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May 4, 2014
Ryan Pfluger for The New York Times
Send a Letter to the Editor

Letters should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, Magazine, The New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, N.Y., 10018. The e-mail address is: magazine@nytimes.com. All letters should include the writer's name, address and daytime telephone number. We are unable to acknowledge or return unpublished letters. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Table of contents

Inequality Has Been Going On Forever ... but That Doesn’t Mean It’s Inevitable

We have been living with rising income inequality for so long that it has come to seem inevitable. It doesn’t have to be.

The Tale of Two Schools

Fieldston and University Heights are in the same borough but are worlds apart. How much understanding between their students can a well-told story bring?

Why Only One Top Banker Went to Jail for the Financial Crisis

The economic catastrophe of 2008 was the largest of its kind since the Depression. Who’s taking the fall?

One $10,000 Martini, Please

What 22 items can tell us about inequality in New York.

On the Brink in Brownsville

For Shamir and his friends, money is tight, boredom is pervasive and trouble is easy to find.

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.