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The New York Times Magazine

Benjamin Lowy/Reportage, for The New York Times
Benjamin Lowy/VII Network, for The New York Times

The “brave maverick” who became the “bitter old man” is now “learning to let go.”

Chicago’s Opportunity Artist

Can the social sculptor Theaster Gates turn the inner city into art?

It’s the Economy

Supersize My Wage

What happens when you raise the minimum wage in a down economy?


Mireille Guiliano On Aging With French Dignity

The author of “French Women Don’t Get Facelifts” explains why it’s useful to know your limits.

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.

The Lives They Loved: Submit Your Memories

We invite you to contribute stories and photographs of your loved ones who died this year.

The Bots Are Taking Over

Snapshots of a band of brothers.

The Ethicist

(Sub)Mission Creep

Friends with manuscripts; strangers with embargoes.


Who Made That Smoke Alarm?

From an inexpensive lifesaver to a universal source of irritation.


Life With Bella

Abzug was tough. But I wasn’t.


One! Last! Time!

In the movies, men are constantly gathering for a last blowout escape from adult life. One quiet film this year presents a refreshingly different take on manhood.

The One-Page Magazine

B.J. Novak’s Thanksgiving Congregation

Take a hike, Donder; Dante de Blasio or Dante Alighieri?

Reply All

The 12.8.13 Issue

Readers respond.

From The Archive

The McCain Doctrines

Matt Bai’s 2008 cover story.

Editors' Picks

The Search for the Lost Marines of Tarawa

Seventy years after three of the bloodiest days in modern American history, the battle continues to bring the missing men back home.


A Reason to Root for Dubai on the Hudson

The trouble isn’t that Manhattan is changing. The trouble lies in what exactly it’s starting to become.

God Called Them to Adopt. And Adopt. And Adopt.

When responding to a calling to take in foster children, how do you know when you’ve done enough?

Send a Letter to the Editor

Letters should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, Magazine, The New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, N.Y., 10018. The e-mail address is: magazine@nytimes.com. All letters should include the writer's name, address and daytime telephone number. We are unable to acknowledge or return unpublished letters. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

This Is What It Looks Like at the Center of America

A photo portolio by Andrew Moore of some of the most sparsely populated regions west of the 100th meridian.

The 6th Floor Blog
Down the Instagram Rabbit Hole

Discovery of one great Instagram photographer leads to the discovery of another one, then another . . .

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The Magazine
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Mark Leibovich
Chief National Correspondent: @markleibovich
Samantha Henig
Online Editor:
Arem Duplessis
Design Director: @aremduplessis
Adam Davidson
It's the Economy Columnist: @adamdavidson
Gail Bichler
Art Director: @gailbichler
Matt Bai
Chief Political Correspondent: @mattbai
Benoit Denizet-Lewis
Contributing Writer: @benoitdlewis
Pagan Kennedy
Who Made That Columnist: @pagankennedy
Paul Tough
Contributing Writer: @paultough
David Leonhardt
Contributing Writer: @dleonhardt
Hugo Lindgren
Editor in Chief: @hugolindgren
Adam Sternbergh
Culture Editor:
Mark Bittman
Eat Columnist:
Rosie Schaap
Drink Columnist: @rosieschaap
Kathy Ryan
Director of Photography: @ryan_kathy
Jon Kelly
Story Editor: @jonkelly2
Wil S. Hylton
Contributing Writer: @wilshylton
Lizzie Skurnick
One-Page Magazine Columnist: @lizzieskurnick
Maud Newton
One-Page Magazine Columnist: @maudnewton
Sam Anderson
Critic at Large: @shamblanderson
Mario Batali
One-Page Magazine Columnist: @mariobatali
Sam Sifton
Contributing Writer: @samsifton