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The New York Times Magazine

Marvin Orellana for The New York Times
The Food & Drink Issue, Restaurant Edition
The wine guru Kermit Lynch at his home in southeastern France.
Luca Locatelli for The New York Times

The wine guru Kermit Lynch at his home in southeastern France.

Kermit Lynch, Terroirist

The wine guru on Robert Parker, a great $15 bottle of wine and why you may not really know what you like.

The Strange Science of Creating a Perfect Bar

It’s not what you drink, it’s where you drink it.

The Octopus That Almost Ate Seattle

The giant Pacific octopus is, in the words of a Seattle conservationist, a “glamour animal.” It is also tasty. Therein lies the conflict.

Los Angeles: Goat-Stew City, U.S.A.

How the passion of Chowhound’s amateur critics can define a city’s cuisine.

Remaking Tavern on the Green, One Fork at a Time

The old restaurant is being resurrected by a couple of Philly guys who are willing to place a big bet. It starts with getting the details right.

Sweet Home Cooking Alabama

What it takes to make a restaurant last four decades.

The Predawn Chowdown

What chefs eat when they’ve finished feeding everyone else.

The Jean-Georges Kitchen From on High

The silent dance of the dinner rush.

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.

A Short History of the Fainting Couch

Recamier, méridienne, chaise longue, daybed — we’ve long needed a place to lounge.

The Posh London Homes That Posh Londoners Covet

Wishing a friend’s house or apartment was yours isn’t only an American trait. A chain of envy from across the pond.


The Not-So-Hidden Cause Behind the A.D.H.D. Epidemic

How educational policy and the D.S.M. helped to make a disorder go viral.

The One-Page Magazine

Washington’s Metaphor War

Plus: Child stars gone wild, the accidental selfie and how to be worldy.

Everyday Jet Lag

How sleeping against type can affect your health.

The Ethicist

Annual Cavity Drive

Wake up and have some candy.


Who Made That Kale?

Plus: The kale vs. Chick-fil-A slogan battle.


Terry Lenzner on Tricky Dick and Dirty Tricks

Washington’s most-feared private investigator isn’t afraid of Dumpster diving.

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The 10.6.13 Issue

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Editors' Picks

Can a Gay, Catholic Leftist Actually Squelch Corruption in Sicily?

Rosario Crocetta is a reform-minded leader in a highly corrupt place that hates change. And that’s only one reason his life is in danger.

It’s the Economy

Freebies for the Rich

Why are colleges giving away money to rich kids who don’t need it? They might value their rankings more than the economy.

Eat, Pray, Love, Get Rich, Write a Novel No One Expects

The post-guru literary career of Elizabeth Gilbert.

Send a Letter to the Editor

Letters should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, Magazine, The New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, N.Y., 10018. The e-mail address is: magazine@nytimes.com. All letters should include the writer's name, address and daytime telephone number. We are unable to acknowledge or return unpublished letters. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

How to Play the Pregame

Whether or not you follow football, tailgating means a feast for fall, and perhaps the last chance to eat outdoors for the rest of the year.

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