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The New York Times Magazine

Joël van Houdt for The New York Times

Which Way Did the Taliban Go?

Digging out roadside bombs, running into ambushes and dancing with deranged informants — a week in the life of an Afghan National Army battalion, on its own in the wilderness.

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Obama’s First Term: A Romantic Oral History

Members of Obama’s first administration learned a humbling lesson in Washington realpolitik, but they remember it more like a great episode of “The West Wing.”

Candace Bushnell’s Fantasy World, Starring Candace Bushnell

“Sex and the City,” the Connecticut years.

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How Good Does Karaoke Have to Be to Qualify as Art?

Portland’s karaoke scene includes strippers, muppets and every song you can dream of. Can a city be having a pop-music moment if all everyone’s doing is singing along?

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‘January Is Hollywood’s Very Own Leper Colony’

A film fan’s guide to surviving — and reviving — the worst movie month of the year.

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The Appetite Workout

Can exercise help regulate how much we eat? New science suggests that if you stick with the right kind of exercise, you may change how your body interacts with food.

New Yorkers Caught Checking Themselves Out

Busted by the two-way mirror.

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The One-Page Magazine

Jessica Lange Carries a Big Stick

Chuck Hagel for president? Mario Batali salutes the inauguration.

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Louisville Slugger

A tender, rosy roast beef — a good excuse for more Henry Bain sauce.

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Drinking Like a Poet

The best way to celebrate a Scottish poet is with Scotch whisky. And vice versa.

Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.

One-Page Magazine

Jessica Lange Carries a Big Stick

Chuck Hagel for president? Mario Batali salutes the inauguration.


John Mackey, the Kale King

The co-C.E.O. of Whole Foods on capitalism and cooking dinner.

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The Ethicist

Should Your Neighbor’s Allergy Be Your Concern?

The community buzz about a family’s hive.

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Who Made Those False Eyelashes?

Plus: Tips from an Emmy-winning makeup artist.

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It's the Economy

The Smartphone Have-Nots

Is technology responsible for making some workers irrelevant and others filthy rich?

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Squash’s Preppy Problem

The game ushered me into a genteel world — on its way out now, and good riddance.

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The 1.6.13 Issue

Readers respond.

From the Archive

Obama’s People

A 2009 portrait gallery of 52 of Barack Obama’s aides and advisers in his first administration.


Video Feature: Wide-Awake

A video gallery of dreams and transformations, featuring 13 actresses whose performances defined the year in film.

Audio & Photos: There Will Be Foam

A sudsy party in Watertown, N.Y.

  • Audio Audio: Alec Soth on Photography and Longing

A Circus of Pain

Could a terrible headache have been caused by a run-in with a zebra?

Send a Letter to the Editor

Letters should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, Magazine, The New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, N.Y., 10018. The e-mail address is: magazine@nytimes.com. All letters should include the writer's name, address and daytime telephone number. We are unable to acknowledge or return unpublished letters. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

An Illustrated Talk With Maurice Sendak

When Christoph Niemann stumbled on a “Fresh Air” interview with Maurice Sendak, wild things started to transpire.

The Music They Made

A sound collage featuring a sampling of the musicians who died in 2012.

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