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The New York Times Magazine

Photo illustration by Kelsey Dake. Photographs by (clockwise from top): Michael Stewart/Getty Images; Twist/X17online.com; Kmm-Sasha/X17online.com; Valerie Macon/Getty Images; Michael Stewart/Getty Images; Kmm-Sasha-Jack-RS/ X17online.com; Maciel/X17online.com.

Here Is What Happens When You Cast Lindsay Lohan in Your Movie

Paul Schrader, Bret Easton Ellis, Lindsay Lohan and a porn star named James Deen try to make a movie for $250,000 that will save all of their careers. What could go wrong?

Washington’s Economic Boom, Financed by You

Over the last decade, the nation’s capital has been the great American boomtown, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. What happens when the government money dries up?

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Shimon Peres on Obama, Iran and the Path to Peace

“Obama would like to reach peace in the Middle East and has to be convinced that Israel agrees with this,” Shimon Peres says. “Of course, he’s not convinced.”

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Once Upon a Time, There Was a Person Who Said, ‘Once Upon a Time’

A good narrator, in books and in life, is the guide who makes sense of the story. So why have so many storytellers given up on narration?

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It’s the Economy

Should We Tax People for Being Annoying?

A bipartisan club of economists might have a way to solve traffic jams. (And to get your neighbor to pick up after the dog.)

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Every ’Wich Way

The (almost) forgotten art of the sandwich.

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Where the Viper Gets its Vroom

Inside a newly reopened Chrysler plant in Detroit.

The One-Page Magazine

Vulcan Love Grips

The pop-song economic indicator; John Hodgman on the future of book buying.

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Solve the popular variety puzzles from the Sunday magazine at our newly relaunched hub for New York Times crosswords.

One-Page Magazine

Vulcan Love Grips

The pop-song economic indicator; John Hodgman on the future of book buying.


Nick Kroll Takes a Hike

The comedian on his new sketch show, getting in touch with his emotions and the difference between him and Dave Chappelle.

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The Ethicist

Is a Rumor Enough to Go On?

When party to a dark secret that may be false, all of your options are bad.

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Who Made That Hershey Bar?

A 5-cent bar that’s “more sustaining than meat.”

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My Biker Initiation

I thought the leather-swaddled giant was messing with me. But really he just loved my hat.

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The 12.30.12 Issue

Readers respond.

From the Archive

In Homage to Ben-Gurion

Shimon Peres’s 1986 article.


Video Feature: Wide-Awake

A video gallery of dreams and transformations, featuring 13 actresses whose performances defined the year in film.

Audio & Photos: There Will Be Foam

A sudsy party in Watertown, N.Y.

  • Audio Audio: Alec Soth on Photography and Longing

A Circus of Pain

Could a terrible headache have been caused by a run-in with a zebra?

Send a Letter to the Editor

Letters should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, Magazine, The New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, N.Y., 10018. The e-mail address is: magazine@nytimes.com. All letters should include the writer's name, address and daytime telephone number. We are unable to acknowledge or return unpublished letters. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

The Music They Made

A sound collage featuring a sampling of the musicians who died in 2012.

Eve Arnold’s Big Wallop

Driven by a social consciousness, she gained the confidence of whomever she photographed.

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