Diversity & Inclusion

D&I is at the heart of all that we do at NFA. We take pride in our work; maintain a conviction to do the right thing; empower each other; and support our community. Learn about our efforts to cultivate and strengthen a diverse and inclusive atmosphere within NFA and in the communities where we work, live, and serve.



Embedded into the Fabric of NFA

38% of women senior leadership stats

Women comprise over 57% of NFA’s senior leadership team

38 percent of employees are members of employee resource groups

38% of our employees are members of our Employee Resource Groups

43% of employees participant in D&I efforts

of NFA employees participate in our diversity and inclusion events and programs


tom sexton ceo nfa

"Diverse viewpoints lead to informed decisions and creativity, which are instrumental for NFA to achieve its mission of safeguarding the derivatives markets and protecting customer funds. Different perspectives from individuals of varying backgrounds, ethnicity, and gender, collaborating across our organization, are the foundation for NFA to evolve, and by doing so, to redefine regulation and enhance our mission. Our inclusive workforce and culture, respectful of each employee's diversity, unique values and abilities, allows NFA to flourish and succeed."

President and CEO

"Diversity and inclusion have been NFA values for over 30 years. There is nothing more important than cultivating a workplace culture where everyone feels a strong sense of belonging, regardless of their background. When we foster the collective strength of our many differences, we unlock our full potential."

Vice President, Human Resources


Turning Intentions into Actions

NFA's Diversity & Inclusion Council provides guidance and support for our many D&I initiatives.

Learn more

Make Our Mission Your Career


If you envision your career in a place where performing critical regulatory work within the financial industry is as significant as the diverse, passionate, and talented individuals with whom you work, then you belong at NFA.

Let's keep the conversation going!

D&I is woven into the fabric of everything we do at NFA, both internally and externally. For more information on our initiatives, goals, and Employee Resource Groups, please contact us at diversityandinclusion@nfa.futures.org.