Our global profile

KU Leuven is a world-renowned research university with a strong international focus.

Check our global profile



KU Leuven engages with more than 450 institutions all over the world to build innovative global partnerships for research, teaching and impact. 

More about our partnerships


Study at KU Leuven

Each year, more and more international students find their way to our university.


Going abroad

We strengthen the exchange of ideas by actively promoting incoming and outgoing mobility among both students and staff.

Learn about our mobility options

Erasmus+ ​​​​​​@ KU Leuven


Global community

We are home to a varied network of international communities that actively help you find your way. Where needed, our social teams provide support and assistance.

More about communities 


Global development

We are committed to addressing global issues in a sustainable way, together with a broad range of stakeholders, and learn from the experience.

More about global development 


Focus on key regions

By bringing together academics with expertise in a particular region,
KU Leuven aims for a more active involvement in these areas.

More about our Regional Committees

Get in touch with our international Alumni Chapters

Global events

Throughout the year, there is a wide range of events that embody the global vision of KU Leuven.


International news

Updates about partnerships, new agreements, calls for funding, etc.

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