Jugader 160FT Zipline Recall


Reason for Recall: Fall Hazard

Remedy: Free Repair Kit,including a new cable and updated installation instructions

If your Amazon purchase order number is unavailable, please follow the instructions on our FAQs to contact us with photos of your unit for verification.

Recall Repair Registration

Customer Service FAQs

Q1. Why is this recall being conducted?

A1. We are conducting this recall voluntarily on the Jugader 160-foot long zip-line kit because we have received reports of the cable breaking.

Q2. How do I know if my zip-line kit is part of the recall?

A2. This kit was sold exclusively on Amazon.com. Please check your purchase order history to confirm that it was the 160-foot long zip-line kit sold between March 2020 through June 2023 for about $140. The product has an Amazon ASIN number of B083FXFCY5.

Q3. What remedy are you offering as part of the recall?

A3. We are offering a free repair kit, including a new thicker cable and new installation instructions. Consumers must submit a photo of the cable or your purchase order number to receive your free repair kit.

Q4. I am not concerned about this. Can I continue to use my zip-line?

A4. NoWe are asking all users to immediately stop using their zip-line and contact us for a free repair kit.

Q5. I no longer have the receipt for the zip-line kit. Can I still get a replacement?

A5. Yes. However, having your Amazon.com purchase receipt will be fastest. You can also email us at support@Jugader.com and provide us with(i)  a photo of the cable and (ii) a photo of blue rider trolley and we will provide additional instructions on receiving a repair kit and on disposal.  

Q6. When will I receive my replacement wire and updated instructions?

Thus far, we have received a substantial number of registrations. Replacement wires have been manufactured are being shipped from overseas. Registered consumers will receive an email telling them the approximate date that of arrival for their replacement wire and updated instructions. At this time, the earliest schedule arrival is on or about July 15, 2024. We understand this is longer than ideal and we sincerely apologize for this delay. Heavy items like these take time to be manufactured and shipped and we have done everything we can to expedite this process.

Important: For now, please continue to make sure that the current wire has been removed and the product cannot be used until then. We sincerely appreciate your understanding as we work to keep you and your family safe.