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Here Are All Of The Multiplayer Specialists You’ll Be Playing As In Black Ops III

by Brian Shea on Oct 21, 2015 at 12:09 PM

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Treyarch is shifting the formula for Call of Duty’s multiplayer component with Black Ops III. In addition to taking a further leap into the future with its setting and technology, as well as introducing swimming into the formula, players no longer take control of nameless soldiers. Instead, you now play as one of nine specialists.

Each specialist features a unique power weapon as well as a special ability that charges over the course of the match. Players choose between entering battle with the power weapon or ability, making the decision to play into your own strengths crucial. These personality-driven characters also have distinct backstories and quotes they yell out on the battlefield that further differentiate them from the other run-and-gunners. 

With so many characters offered up, it can be tricky to figure out which one is going to be the right fit for you. Check out a rundown of the nine characters that will be available at launch and start figuring out which one is going to be your main as you enter the firefight. 


Real Name: Donnie Walsh

Background: In Black Ops III’s future setting, most cybernetic enhancements are to supplement lost or damaged body parts. Ruin is such a tough infantryman that he volunteered for the enhancements even though he didn’t have the injuries that typically necessitate them.

Weapon: Gravity Spikes – Ruin jumps and drives spikes into the ground, sending out a powerful shockwave that takes out enemies in the blast radius.

Ability: Overdrive – Using his cybernetically enhanced body, Ruin is able to get a temporary yet powerful burst of speed.

Ruin is the ideal choice for those who like to always be on the move. His Gravity Spikes weapon gives him an advantage when he’s up close, while his Overdrive ability boosts his speed and lets him cover a ton of ground in a short period of time while still being offensively viable.


Real Name: Zhen Zhen

Background: An enforcer for a crime syndicate known as the 54 Immortals, she is feared even among members of the cartel. She is known for her focus in the heat of battle.

Weapon: Annihilator – Seraph whips out her high-powered revolver, which is so strong that it kills any enemy in the bullet’s path. This is most effective when she’s able to line up multiple enemies and take them all out with one bullet.

Ability: Combat Focus – Seraph is known for her unflinching focus, and this ability allows her to add a multiplier to her score, boosting her ability to stack scorestreaks.

If you find that you’re great at racking up scorestreaks, Seraph will even further enhance that ability. Her Annihilator is awesome at landing you quick kills, while the Combat Focus ability will help propel your scorestreak forward faster than ever before.


Real Name: Alessandra Castillo

Background: Outrider grew up in the rough Brazilian favelas, where she watched the action unfold below, training her keen sense of observation. She eventually earned a spot in the Brazilian Special Forces, where she became known for outsmarting her enemies.

Weapon: Sparrow – The Sparrow might look like your typical compound bow, but it packs a massive punch. Once Outrider connects with someone using the Sparrow, the explosive bolt detonates and blows the target away. 

Ability: Vision Pulse – Thanks to her observation skills, Outrider can send out a pulse that temporarily highlights nearby enemies even if they’re on the opposite side of a wall.

Just like the torque bow from the Gears of War franchise, Outrider’s Sparrow is just plain satisfying to use. In addition, the Vision Pulse is a great way to keep yourself aware of your surroundings and make sure you’re not caught off guard.

On the next page, we look at the remaining Specialists appearing in Black Ops III.


Real Name: Experimental War Robot (EWR)

Background: Prior to the events of Black Ops III, the military was investing heavily in a research and development project involving robots that would fight in wars. Though the project was eventually discontinued, a prototype with the callsign of “Reaper” survived the scrapping process.

Weapon: Scythe – Using its natural advantage of being a robot, Reaper transforms its arm into a minigun that is able to mow down enemies at an incredible rate.

Ability: Psychosis – Reaper sends out three decoys to distract and confuse enemies.

Sitting at a great vantage point and activating Reaper’s Scythe is extremely effective and can turn the tide of any battle in a match. If you find yourself outnumbered or outgunned, Psychosis will confuse the enemies while you pick them off.


Real Name: David Wilkes

Background: While serving in the British Engineering Corps, Prophet obtained his first cybernetic enhancements. Within five years, he obtained many more upgrades and became one of the most advanced examples of human weaponry.

Weapon: Tempest – Prophet wields a weapon that charges and blasts electricity in the direction of the target. In addition to electrocuting the target, the blast can also arc to adjacent foes.

Ability: Glitch – Using his unparalleled technology, Prophet is able to hack the simulation that the multiplayer takes place in to teleport back to where he was seconds before, opening up all kinds of strategic options.

Prophet’s Tempest is awesome if you fancy yourself a lone wolf. Not only does the gun blast its target with great effectiveness, but its ability to arc to nearby enemies can be a major help if you’re facing off against several soldiers by yourself. Glitch is possibly the hardest ability to learn how to use effectively, but it can also be the most versatile in that it can not only confuse your enemies, but also give you better placement. If you turn the corner and unwittingly enter a bad situation, Glitch can also help you quickly escape.


Real Name: Tavo Rojas

Background: As the last remnant of an elite force that specialized in jungle warfare, Nomad is well-trained in using the environment to his advantage and is a survivalist.

Weapon: H.I.V.E. – Nomad deploys pods that activate and release dangerous swarms of nano drones when enemies walk past.

Ability: Rejack – If Nomad is taken down in battle, he can activate a special nanoparticle serum that injects into his bloodstream and revives him. In the Black Ops III beta, this allowed him to stack scorestreaks and steal kills away from enemies, but Treyarch nerfed it so it no longer steals points from those who take Nomad down and it resets Nomad’s scorestreak.

Nomad might be best suited for those who play in a stationary manner. Being able to protect yourself using his H.I.V.E. traps could allow you to set up in a great location without worrying too much that someone will sneak up behind you. If you opt to go into battle with his Rejack ability equipped instead of the H.I.V.E. weapon, it means that even if you’re downed by an enemy, you won’t have to try and reclaim the position from the outside thanks to the fact that you’re revived by it on the spot.


Real Name: Classified

Background: While very little is known about Spectre, it is assumed that he or she is a wet-work specialist. Even the existence of the entity codenamed “Spectre” is up for debate by several agencies based on evidence found at scenes at unsolved assassinations that fit the same profile.

Weapon: Ripper – Spectre wields twin blades with which he or she can slice through enemies with ease.

Ability: Active Camo – Since Spectre is known for stealth operations and kills, it makes sense that he or she would sport Active Camo. The temporary invisibility gives Spectre the jump on unsuspecting enemies.

Stealth isn’t exactly the name of the game when it comes to Call of Duty multiplayer, but that doesn’t mean that Spectre’s sneaky properties are completely obsolete. The Ripper blades give you the means to slice and dice your way through opponents, while the Active Camo option means you’ll rarely be the one getting the surprise ambush.


Real Name: Erin Baker

Background: Battery grew up in a military family, and after watching her brothers enroll in the U.S. Army, she followed suit. She proved very successful, acing the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program.

Weapon: War Machine – Battery blasts a bouncing grenade at her target that explodes upon impact.

Ability: Kinetic Armor – Using electrically charged reactive armor, Battery’s armor causes bullets that hit her to simply evaporate harmlessly.

As perhaps the most traditional soldier in terms of her weapon and ability, Battery could prove to be a favorite for those who want to keep things simple. War Machine, while powerful, is simply a powerful variant on the grenade launchers we’ve seen in Call of Duty for years now, and the Kinetic Armor makes her bulletproof for a window of time – something we all know will come in handy in multiplayer.


Real Name: Krystof Hejek

Background: Though he has possessed a vast arsenal over the course of his military career, his weapon of choice has always been fire. 

Weapon: Purifier – This devastating flamethrower enables Firebreak to incinerate anyone or anything in its path. This is ideal for clearing out rooms in close-quarters combat.

Ability: Heat Wave – Firebreak superheats the area around him using a thermal charge. The resulting heat stuns nearby enemies and can destroy equipment in the area.

Even Treyarch describes Firebreak as great for clearing out rooms. It’s easy to see why — his weapon quickly destroys anyone close to him, and his ability is centered on stunning his opponents and destroying their equipment.


Which Specialist are you most wanting to try out for yourself? Do any fit perfectly into your play style?