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On the Importance of Context for Understanding Metrics

Updated Dec 7, 2015, 06:15am EST
This article is more than 8 years old.

In the classic British novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a race of aliens spends millennia crafting a supercomputer powerful enough to calculate the answer to “life, the universe, and everything.”

The answer it delivers? Forty-two.

Without context, as Douglas Adams’ aliens discovered, numbers are meaningless. When it comes to analyzing your site’s performance, metrics need to be considered in terms of their relationship to other measures, as well as placed in the context of historical performance data.

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the basic metrics that might be interesting to you as you work to determine if your site is successful, and how they relate to each other:

Visitors: This is a fairly straightforward metric that measures the inbound traffic to your sight. You can view the number of visitors overall or see traffic on particular pages or posts. It can also be useful to know whether these visitors are first-timers or a loyal audience of returning regulars.

Pageviews: The number of pages viewed in a given time period. If you divide this by the number of visitors in the same time period, you’ll discover how many pages, on average, your visitors are looking at. If your ratio is very low, it means that many visitors are dropping by your site to view a single page and then leaving again immediately.

Note: Pageviews are not necessarily pages -- many pageview statistics are “duped” by slideshows, for example.

Time Spent: How much time are your visitors spending on each page? You can learn a lot from this number, including how engaged your readers are. If the time spent is very low, it may indicate that your readers are not engaged with your content. Alternately, it could signify an issue with load time on your site, or that too many visitors are “bouncing” after briefly viewing one page. You may also find that certain types of content—long-form blog posts, for instance—get much higher or lower engagement than you predicted.

Shares: In today’s connected world, shares can be vital. You need to know how many visitors are sharing your content—and where it’s being shared. Shares also indicate virality; how popular is your content, and does it have the potential to become even more popular?

Other useful insights include where your visitors are coming from (referrals); what kind of device they’re using to view your content (mobile vs. desktop); and, if you’re engaged in ecommerce, whether those visitors convert into customers.

The Golden Metric?

It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of a single metric. Maybe you heard that the key to digital publishing success lies in increasing the number of pageviews or decreasing bounce rate. Unfortunately, focusing on improving just one stat is sort of like exercising just one muscle. You’ll have much more success when viewing your metrics (and your muscles) as a single system. Only by using them together can you begin to see real results.

When you focus on just one metric, you lose sight of the big picture. That’s where context comes in. For example, let’s say that a publisher saw a big jump in views of breaking news stories. That publisher might assume that its readers are clamoring for more up-to-the-minute news, and so it decides to add a feature on its homepage with the latest headlines.

Unfortunately, in the example above, the publisher didn’t look deeper into the story the metrics were telling. The boost in views was almost entirely from mobile users, who were unable to easily view the news ticker on the site’s homepage. Because the publisher did not understand where its traffic was coming from, it wasted time and effort in developing a feature that was useless to the bulk of its visitors.

If the digital publisher had taken the time to analyze the metrics more thoroughly and understand them in context, it might have found a golden opportunity instead. Once it learned that it’s breaking news content had a higher propensity to be visited via mobile, it could have focused on growing that audience by offering more mobile-friendly content and features.

So there you have it. What good are metrics if you don’t have the context to interpret them and draw conclusions that can impact your content strategy?

And that’s my answer to “life, the universe, and everything” -- context.

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