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Shovel Knight will guest star in Yooka Laylee

We dig it.

Shovel Knight is going to guest star in Yooka-Laylee, where he will appear as a non-playable character. That's nice.

"We've always been fans of Shovel Knight," Playtonic's Chris Sutherland told Eurogamer at EGX, ahead of the character's unveiling today on the developer sessions stage, "and thought it'd be great to have some guest star characters from the rest of the indie community.

"It's great for indies to be able to do that. There's no kind of big barrier, you don't have to go through seven levels of approval, you just go: yeah, we're going to do that."

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My favourite thing about this collaboration is that developers from both Playtonic and Yacht Club Games needed to arrange a Skype call to practice Shovel Knight's gobbledygook voice acting. Imagine that.

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