ELKTON — Cecil County Sheriff’s Office detectives used one of the agency’s two recently purchased drones to locate nearly $400,000 in stolen construction equipment stashed behind a barn on an Elkton-area property, police reported.

(2) comments


No one owns the sky as far as i know. And using a drone isnt illegal. What if a young boy flew his drone over the property and recorded that same thing put it on youtube and cops seen it that way or even someone in a small plane the Skies open Birds planes helicopters its all fair game!


I'm all for catching the bad guys. However, I cannot be a true defender of our Constitution if I'm reading this article correctly, and no warrant was obtained for this search. No probable cause could be seen from the road! Sure, we found some stolen equipment, But we did so illegally. Even if there is a law on the books allowing for the use of drones for a search for probable cause, this is a blatant violation of the Constitution and any Unconstitutional law is not enforceable. Every Constitutional Sheriff will know that. I don;t see how the owner of the property can be charged and those charges stick from that one statement, NO PROBABLE CAUSE COULD BE SEEN FROM THE ROAD..paraphrasing... I pray a warrant was obtained, if only to know my Sheriff in Cecil County in a Constitutional one.

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