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Symbols for Literacy & Communication

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Many people struggle to read text. Literacy Symbols can help make text more accessible by associating each word with a small picture. Symbols can be used for reading as well as writing, and as an augmentative or alternative communication tool. They are commonly used by pre-literate children and people with learning difficulties.

Introduction to The Symbols

A brief overview comparing the PCS and Widgit Literacy (previously Rebus) symbol sets and the types of symbols found within them... [more: introduction to the symbols]

Examples of use

Case studies of people who use symbols to overcome receptive and expressive communcation difficulties... [coming soon]

Writing With Symbols 2000

Writing With Symbols 2000 is the well-known specialist symbol-supported word processor from Widgit Software. It can be used to create resources such as symbol communication grids or for regular symbol-based word processing... [more: writing with symbols 2000]

Inserting Symbols into other Programs

When you buy Writing With Symbols or Communicate: In Print from Widgit software you are also buying the PCS and Widgit symbol sets. Why restrict their use to these programs when you can also use them elsewhere such as in Microsoft Word or Inspiration?.. [more: inserting symbols into other programs]

Communicate: In Print 2

Find out about Widgit's latest version of their symbol-supported desktop publishing software... [more: communicate in print 2]

Symbols on the Internet

We've been waiting a while for symbol-support webpages that are created on demand. Check out the latest information on what is available... [more: symbols on the internet]

Symbol World External Link

Widgit are committed to the use of symbols to support written text. Check out this great application of symbols... [more: Symbol World]

Symbol Copyright

Creating libraries of thousands of symbols is a very labour-intensive task and consequently the companies involved are very careful about retaining the copyright of their assets while allowing them to be used in a practical way. The Widgit Literacy Symbols used in the animation above are (C) Widgit Software. Symbosl users are able to publish symbols on to web pages but with some caveats, including the inclusion of the following statement:

They [the symbols] may not be copied or used in any other format without the written permission from the owner. The graphic files produced by these symbol images may not be used in any way other than to enable the viewing of the pages on this website.








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