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Pointer Control

In This Article

The traditional way of controlling a pointer on the computer is by using a mouse. But many people struggle to use the standard mouse with its standard settings. This doesn't only apply to people with severe physical difficulties associated with conditions like Cerebral Palsy, but also to milder conditions that can produce slight tremors or make clicking difficult.

The standard mouse

If you are able to use, and are comfortable using, a standard mouse then its worth sticking with it. Being able to use a regular mouse means that you can sit down at any computer and get on with things without needing to carry your own specialist hardware.

Health danger

If overused, a mouse can cause terrible pain and even permanent damage in the wrists, arms, shoulder or neck. In addition to the standard mouse there are plenty of specialist ergonomic mice that come in all shapes and sizes which may help relieve this problem. You can also use a compact keyboard to allow the mouse to be positioned correctly. The best solution in my opinion, however, is to reduce overall mouse use by using the keyboard to access menus and common functions.

Accessibility options

If you struggle to physically get to grips with a mouse then it is worth playing with Windows' mouse accessibility options. These allow you to alter the speed of the pointer, access to single clicks, double clicks, dragging, swapping the buttons and enabling dwell delay.

Supplementary switch support

You can also try adding an external switch to act as a replacement for the left or right mouse buttons... [more]

Alternative Mice

There are some alternative mice that are particularly useful in the field of SEN. Most younger pupils will not have hands big enough to grasp a full size mouse correctly and should therefore consider using a mouse designed for younger people.

Another great idea is to give a pupil a mouse that is fun to look at and motivating to use. Some great products have been released recently including the Ladybird mini mouse available from Research Machines External Link.

Alternatives to Mice



Using a mouse isn't the only way to move the cursor around the screen. For those who physically or cognitively struggle to use a mouse it could be well worth trying out a rollerball. Many of these are large, bright and motivating and are robust even enough to even be by foot... [more]



Specialist joysticks can provide access those with more severe physical difficulties. Using a joystick tends to be a little slower than mouse or rollerball use but can be a real lifeline to many pupils... [more]


People who have good head control can use one of a variety of devices in order to move the cursor around on the screen... [more]

Eye Tracking

This is a cutting edge technology and there are four or five companies working in competition. The idea is that a user only needs to look at an area of a screen and that area will be selected. This technology is pushing forward fast so keep an eye on it (pun intended!).


Using the keyboard

As mentioned above it's not necessary to use a mouse for the majority of computer-based activities. Word processing, web browsing and emailing can all be accomplished using only a standard or specialist keyboard... [more]

A Switch

Switch Access

Switches can provide a very rewarding solution for those with very severe physical and/or cognitive difficulties... [more]

Mouse Activities

There are loads and loads of motivating activities designed to practice or assess pointer control, such as the MouseSkills program available from Inclusive Technology External Link . I'll be venturing into this area shortly, so stay tuned!

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