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Gameswitch, HDMI to DVI switch, HDCP stripper, review

8K views 8 replies 7 participants last post by  rod2_fine 
#1 ·

I thought I would start off with a new thread to discuss this device.

So I bought it, for $235.00 (I will list the vendor if there is request for it). Like many out there, I bought a 24 in LCD monitor for work/home/entertainment, or more specifically, the HP 2335. Similar to the Dell 2405, it's not HDCP compliant. When I bought my PS3, I was mad as hell that I had to use my component cable to plug for the 2335. At this point, I just can not afford any LCD that supports 1080p or even justifying buying another monitor just to play my PS3. Anyways, here is quick review, I will add more with requests.


It came with solid package, with all the input/output needed to make it work. The unit itself is heavy, and well built. One drawback, it didn't include an external power supply, only usb power supply cord.


Well, to my amazement, it worked. I honestly don't know how it does it, or even if it's down converting to an analog than to DVI output, but it does display 1080p on my monitor. I even checked out the input parameters, it is receiving a 1080 signal through the HDMI output.

Picture Quality-

PC-Ok, this is a big issues, and maybe even a deal breaker for some, it did not display my output properly, I kept on seeing this snow effect on my monitor, most likely due to the mis-matching refresh rate and sync issues with my PC graphics card (ATI X1600. Even thought it did not display the proper resolution at first, it did after one switch. After the resolution came out correctly, I started to see the snow effect. This is a distraction, especially on word and excel work. My solution: Plug in the DVI port to play PS3 when I need to.

PS3 games-It works, and it works well. I was playing GT HD, and Resistance, looks sharp, and picture is working well. I checked for snow effects on both stills, and moving picture, to my eyes, I didn't notice any. So this does work with the PS3

PS3 movies-This also works, and I didn't see any snow effect, I will pay attention as I watch more movies on it. So far, Talladega Nights works fine. BTW, it's not that bad of a movie, it has its moments.

I will answer questions on the main post.
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#2 ·

PS3 movies-This also works, and I didn't see any snow effect, I will pay attention as I watch more movies on it. So far, Talladega Nights works fine. BTW, it's not that bad of a movie, it has its moments.

not a horrible movie and... but not a solid blu-ray title!

good to hear it works well, though. i may have to look into that.
#3 ·
Works good but with some issues.


1) The PS3 menu black BG has a mild case of 'dark snow' (hard to notice in a lit room).

2) Sometimes there is this 1 px thick 'water line' that nipped and tucked 5-10 pixels off of the picture. It's hard to explain but the problem is remedied by removing the HDMI cable and reinserting it.

My setup:

PS3 > gameswitch > Dell 2405fpw
#5 ·
Does anyone know if this product still works? I heard that one "feature" of HDCP is that it has revokable keys so the HDCP authority can disable the ability of an HDCP device to play future media. Where is this available for purchase now in Japan? I assume in Akihabara somewhere.
#8 ·
I am surprised I am still getting interest in the switch. The game switch still functions well, it works really nice with my HP 23 LCD, looking sharp! For those who want an alternative, the MUX-HD also works, I used that also. For those who are interested, I am selling both. Just send me a PM.
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