More About Custom DTDs

A note from the editors: At our request, J. David Eisenberg, one of A List Apart’s technical editors, wrote “Validating a Custom DTD” to accompany Peter-Paul Koch’s “JavaScript Triggers,” an article that demonstrated a means of abstracting a web page’s behavioral layer from its structural and presentational ones. In their first article for ALA, the W3C’s Quality Assurance Group breaks down the downside of custom DTDs.

In a previous issue of A List Apart, Peter-Paul Koch discussed the addition to his markup of non-standard attributes to create JavaScript triggers. J. David Eisenberg noted that since the attributes were not part of XHTML, the W3C Markup Validator was likely to reject documents using these attributes, and wrote an article on the topic of Custom DTDs and validation.

Article Continues Below

This article will follow up on these writings by discussing the need for custom DTDs: why making a custom DTD for the sole purpose of validation is a mistake, and in which cases it does make sense to create and use one. For these cases, this article will also present techniques for creating clean custom DTDs and avoiding hacks.

Of poetry and markup languages#section2

Instead of talking about custom DTDs, let’s just talk poetry for a moment. Poetry and web documents are very similar in their language constraints, and poetry also addresses the topics of love, flowers and starry skies, something DTDs seldom do. So, poetry wins.

An impetuous poet may, now and then, commit a spelling mistake or a grammatical blunder in even the most brilliant ode to love. A dictionary or spell checker can therefore be a useful tool, even if it won’t fix a lame rhyme or make a bland metaphor shine; talent, inspiration, and a few other tools will help with that.

Can a poet decide to invent new words, develop new grammatical constructs? Certainly! The new language would not be English, but that’s what poetic license is all about, isn’t it? And if in the end the poem is using a language that is so remote from English that no one understands it, who cares? We can still call it art….

Sadly, browsers, search engine indexers and other agents on the web have a very limited understanding of art and poetic license — and web content, unlike poetry, benefits from the use of a lingua franca. The interoperability derived from using a common language is, after all, the purpose behind the existence of the “web standards.”

Web standards? That’s precisely why I want to validate!#section3

And you are right, of course! Unless, of course, you treat both validation and web standards as some sort of sacred cow, practically forgetting the meaning behind their importance.

This is probably the worst mistake that the advocates of web standards can ever make: to fight for an abstract, arcane concept of standards and consider validation for the sake of validity a goal in itself.

The power of a common language#section4

Babel. The mythic tower teaches us that there is great social value in a language used widely, and that the power of these shared semantics can be maximized if the common language is used properly and consistently by all parties involved in a given communication.

In the web paradigm, where the communication is seldom one-to-one but mostly one-to-many, the above logic is even more crucial, and translates to: “The proper use of the shared semantics of a standard markup language empowers me as a web author, and since I know that validation is one practical way of getting close to that goal, therefore I validate my web documents.”

It is important to remain conscious, however, that validity alone is not a guarantee of compliance, and even further from being a guarantee of quality.

Many normative principles of the HTML specifications cannot be expressed in terms of DTD constraints. The content of attributes, for instance, are generally defined in the DTD as being CDATA (more or less equivalent to “any kind of text”) even though the specification defines a very clear and strict syntax for them. Nothing in a DTD, for instance, can enforce that the content of the lang attribute must be a language code from RFC1766…

Not only isn’t validity a magic key to quality, there isn’t even such a thing as absolute, general “validity.” A document can claim to be using a specific DTD, and be valid with regards to this DTD. This is what is often summarized as “a valid document.”

The above does not deprecate the process of validation. It does, however, remind us of a very important point: validation only one step in checking the correctness of the language used in markup documents, and should never become the goal in itself. That is why the idea of creating a custom DTD for the sole purpose of having documents pass validation might be well-motivated but it is ultimately a deluded endeavor.

When custom DTDs make sense#section5

There are, of course, real cases in which the creation and use of a
custom DTD for a custom markup language makes sense. Taking the existing XHTML and enriching it with new elements can be an interesting
and useful practice, for instance, to manage an internal knowledge
database in a specific field.

The situations in which custom markup
languages are needed characteristically include relatively specific, closed environments. These environments can benefit from extending beyond the semantics provided by the
standard languages without worrying about the modified semantics of
a global language and the absence of interoperability with generic
agents. If done properly, the extended or proprietary language can
fairly be transformed into “regular” XHTML.

When such a case arises, downloading and modifying the standard DTD
until it fits the requirements is not an elegant method; it is even
discouraged by the HTML (4.01) specification:

For reasons of interoperability, authors must not “extend” HTML through the available SGML mechanisms (e.g., extending the DTD, adding a new set of entity definitions, etc.).

A much more elegant and efficient method exists: the Modularization of XHTML
provides a clean framework to create semantically rich languages. It is, for instance, the method used to build MathML2 (DTD) and the WAP Forum’s XHTML Mobile Profile (DTD).

Creating a custom markup language with the modularization of XHTML#section6

The creation of a custom DTD using the XHTML Modularization method is not very complicated, but it is not trivial either. A step-by-step guide would require a full article, and we will not go into details here, but here are a few pointers and reminders:

  • The instructions from the Modularization of XHTML specification are a good place to learn the practicalities of Modular DTD creation, but the tutorial written by HTML Working Group participant Shane McCarron is an even better starting point.
  • In most cases, it is not necessary to start from scratch as it can be tedious, in most cases, extending XHTML will be relatively easy, and offers the benefit of building on the already defined semantics of the standard XHTML. If you don’t need the whole XHTML as a starting point, chances are picking a few modules and leaving others out will provide you with a compact, yet useful, basis for the new language.
  • When creating new elements, avoid overloading the html namespace. Creating the new elements in a new XML namespace, as recommended by the specification,  is only marginally more complicated, and ensures that semantics are clearly defined and distinguished.

Transforming our custom language to standard XHTML#section7

We are now able to create documents using our new XHTML Host Language (this is the formal name for a language built using the modularization of XHTML), and its extended semantics. In many cases the new language will be used only in a closed environment, but at some point or another we will want to put our data on the whole, wild world wide web.

As discussed above, it may not be a good idea to put documents authored in our proprietary language directly on the web, since few or no user agent will be able to understand its peculiar semantics. But since both our custom language and XHTML are XML-based languages, we can easily use XSLT to transform a document written in the former to a document in the latter.

As a simple example, consider the case where we would have expanded XHTML with a new <poetryml:author> element, using the href and name attributes, and an empty <poetryml:pause /> element marking speech pauses in a poetry verse.

The poetryml2xhtml.xsl
stylesheet could then be used to transform the PoetryML markup <poetryml:author name=“foo” uri=“”> into XHTML: <address class=“author”>foo

The stylesheet is a little long, but the transformation mentioned above is the matter of a few lines:

<xsl:template match="poetryml:author">
    <address class='author'>
        <a href='{@uri}'><xsl:value-of select="{@name}" /></a>

Is this a loss of semantics? From a PoetryML standpoint, it is, since our poetryml:author element would have been very precisely defined, but viewed from the generic web user agent, address has a much clearer meaning than an unknown element in a foreign namespace.

Last words#section8

Custom languages created with the method above are obviously not global standards, but within a given environment, for instance the knowledge database of a company, the specific semantics of this proprietary language are well understood by the range of tools for which they have been designed.

The HTML standard, unlike these proprietary languages, is made through a process ensuring, among other benefits, the widest possible interoperability across web browsers. Building
a proprietary language upon this standard is a perfectly acceptable practice as long as you are aware that the proprietary language loses these benefits. A document written by using such a custom DTD may be validated against this DTD, but it will not be valid (X)HTML1.0 Strict, HTML 4.01 Transitional, or any other version of the HTML standard. It will be valid… something else.

Custom DTDs can be a very useful tool to enrich the existing markup languages or create entirely new ones. One always has to keep in mind that they are tantamount to creating a new language, and that proprietary languages are best kept in closed environments where they can be taught to a limited set of agents and tools, and NOT to make the web a modern version of the Tower of Babel by unleashing them in the wilderness.

About the Author

The W3C QA Group

When not touring the world and putting other boys bands to shame, the World Wide Web Consortium QA Boys coordinate the development of validators and other web quality tools, spread the good word about web standards, and build a quality culture at W3C.

34 Reader Comments

  1. A real-world example of the interoperability issues discussed here would be the W3C markup validator itself. Take some random German HTML document. Chances are that it’s in ISO-8895-1, ISO-8895-15 or Windows-1251 encoding. All three encodings are not HTML standard and must therefore be made known somehow.
    The best option is always the server, which should send an encoding along with the content type. It may not be able to do so, however, especially on large servers with many accounts for individual users (e.g. Geocities). There, each user might have a different encoding in their files, so the server can’t make assumptions.
    In XML files, the next place is the xml declaration.

    But the file in question is supposed to be HTML, so there’s no such thing.
    The validator accepts a third source, and that’s the meta tag.

    Works fine, as long as you use a default HTML DTD. Modify or even extend it with a local subset:

    and suddenly the validator will no longer use the meta data – because the document is no longer HTML.

  2. It seems to me that what Peter-Paul Koch did was to make a compelling reason for other developers to use his techniques. They work well, and if many developers use the same technique it may put pressure on the members of W3C to incorporate those attributes or tags, or to provide a similar way to do the same thing in the next release of a particular recommendation.

    I’m not entirely familiar with how the W3C is run, but I suspect it is a slow moving beast and its probably quite difficult for a sole developer with a useful idea to encourage any changes from within. By doing what he did, PPK got some developers excited and the W3C nervous.

    I think the article is well founded, but PPK showed that perhaps if a technique that is philosophically wrong becomes popular, the standards makers will take notice.

  3. Good to hear W3C say validation is not a goal in itself!

    But was it a warning or an opportunity when the article said: «The content of attributes, for instance, are generally defined in the DTD as being CDATA (more or less equivalent to “any kind of text”) [… ] Nothing in a DTD, for instance, can enforce that the content of the lang attribute must be a language code from RFC1766…»?

    According to this, and to relate it to Koch’s article about JavaScript triggers one should be able to “invent” things like


    and still get validated XHTML documents. And, yes, the W3Validator does indeed valdiate such documents. So, is it a limitation of the validator or a feature of (X)HTML? I tend to think it is the latter.

  4. Very complete and thoroughly thought out article! While DTD’s can be custom defined, it doesn’t mean browsers will support them all. Pretty soon, as each platform is setout, such as on Mobile, PSP, etc, the custom DTD’s will soon become standard.

  5. While I appreciate the authors’ point of view and recognize their expertise, I’d like to take a step back and consider the points of the original articles by Mr Koch and Mr Eisenberg.

    The original Koch article was about separating behavior from structure and style — a desirable W3C objective if I ever heard one.

    Mr Koch provided a quick way to achieve that W3C objective. But achieving a W3C objective at the cost of validation wouldn’t be right, so Mr Eisenberg stepped in with a way to validate pages that use Mr Koch’s method.

    The authors of the present article seem to have ignored or discounted the original objective (separating behavior from presentation and structure).

    Unless I’m being thick and slow, the authors’ alternative (modularizing XHTML) doesn’t seem to address the original objective of separating behavior from presentation and structure. It also seems harder than using JavaScript triggers, at least to me.

    Just one designer’s opinion.

  6. Look, this article goes completely off the rails when it uses a hypothetical example of a poetry element. (Typical of the W3C to use a hypothetical example rather than solving a problem we actually are dealing with.)

    Where standardistas want a custom DTD to make an element valid is the case of embed and pretty much nothing else. W3C made a mistake in not incorporating embed into the spec. (It works everywhere but Lynx, while object barely works anywhere. More theory over practice.)

    We don’t really care that a resulting XHTML+embed DTD won’t be XHTML Transitional or one of the cherished few family members in the W3C. It doesn’t have to be. The W3C doesn’t write all the rules; by the nature of XHTML, *we* can write the rules. Under WCAG Level AA, all we have to do is produce valid documents according to a published specification, not the specification that W3C nabobs want us to use.

    So why don’t we have a nice tidy article– an *applied* article– from the W3C on how to make embed a valid element in our pages?

    By the way, I’m at the point where if the only validation error on your page is the use of embed, as far as I’m concerned your page *is* valid because every reasonable device is going to understand it and you’ve already avoided tag soup.

  7. My own interest in this is for adding custom HTML attributes that are recognised by javascript.

    Essentially, I want to serve my “customised XHTML” to the big wide world, as is. Should I be using a custom DTD or not?

    It seems to me that using namespaces would be the most “semantically valid” way of adding such functionality, but these still require a custom DTD to validate correctly.

    In the light of this new information, what do people think?

  8. The problem is that the W3C is not moving fast enough to meet the needs of web developers, so we’re forced to invent things like to solve today’s problems now.

    You assert that these extensions are “proprietry” and should be avoided, but fail to credit the previous author for openly documenting his extensions. In fact, these extensions could hardly be considered “proprietry” since the author is not imposing ownership of the technique. Rather, it’s out there, available for anybody to use, and available to any user-agent developer to learn its semantics.

    Yes, it was a simple XSLT solution you provided. Show me how you would transform into standard XHTML and then I’ll be impressed.

  9. Sanchez said: «The original Koch article was about separating behavior from structure and style — a desirable W3C objective if I ever heard one.»

    Koch’s point sounds desirable – and may be is. But what’s the diff between behaviour and style? Much done through JavaScript manipulations can be done with CSS. So why call it ‘behaviour’ when it uses JavaScript instead of CSS?

  10. Personally I don’t know if custom DTDs and namespaces make sense when you could just use an XML document with a proper schema or relaxNG and go nuts on your attributes elements. This would also allow you to create proper sections of the document rather than relying on H1-H6 to introduce but not encompass your sections.
    An XSL transformation can spit out the proper xHTML, a JavaScript with the right validation and instruct the backend how to work out the fallback validation should JavaScript not be available.
    Putting our own inventions on the backend will also make it safer – if I can see all required information in the markup I have a chance to spoof them a lot easier.

    By the way – Interesting spot for a typo:
    “It does, however, remind us of a very important point: validation only one step in checking the correctness of”

    Correctness is achieved by adding andother “is” after validation 🙂

  11. CSS cannot create and remove elements from the document. That is what the DOM is for.
    Visual changes are not the same as changes in the structure. JavaScript also allows you to test a lot more than CSS even with the CSS3 selectors allows you to. How would you validate a form entry in CSS? This is what behaviour is about.

  12. There are some examples around, I gather, of elements created through pseudo-elements and generated content. And for CSS3 selectors you yourself note similarity. More advanced, but still much of the same.

    View it like that should have implications for how to continue. New content [new CDATA] for e.g. the style attribute would then be quite logical: new css attributes instead of new (X)HTML attributes. E.g. style=”-jsrequired:’true’;”. Valid XHTML but invalid CSS, until the new CSS attributes are accepted. Is that so bad? Eventually you could create a /* behaviour */ section in your stylesheet.

  13. This is a bit off topic, but given any apparent confusion of CSS with behavior, perhaps ALA should look into publishing an article on why :hover is a bad idea (or not) in CSS. A lot of people complain that IE doesn’t support :hover for anything but a link but shouldn’t we be looking at javascript for that anyway? What does the W3C have to say about this? (I’ll admit, I haven’t looked)

  14. While I agree with most of your post, the use of ::before and ::after, as well as the (poorly supported) content attribute do allow for the creation and modification of simple elements (anything complicated will likely break cross-browser compatibility). Opera’s content attribute is faily powerful and I believe Opera is closest to achieving CSS counters (if not alrady achieved) thanks to it.

    That said, yes, DOM manipulation is much more reliable, as all browsers have their respective problems with CSS generated content (for example, I stayed up until 2:30 last night trying — and failing — to figure out problems with ::before and ::after in Opera. I used them to generate content in my default Style Sheet, and in another Style Sheet that is only loaded when JavaScript is available they were set to display: none;, but Opera would not remove these elements).

    Or am I missing something here?

  15. One person solving a real world problem and then exposing it to the world is good. 15 people solving the real world problem exposing it to the world is confusing. The W3C is only cautioning you that Custom DTD’s might make your page validate but won’t necessarily make you page readable by your targeted audience. If a useable implementation already exists then use it. If one doesn’t then yes build one. Custom DTD’s are not a panacea though. That’s why standards are important. It increases the chances that your document will be readable by the widest range of client platforms.

  16. «Behaviour» seems to be simply another word for «script» — or is it a particular way of using the scripts?

    Anyway, Koch got his inspiration from the way CSS stylesheets work. And to use «script selectors», seems very much in line with the thinking behind CSS stylesheets.

    To introduce new markup attributes —even introducing more than one such markup «behaviour» attribute instead of having just one «behaviour» attribute with many content (CDATA) options— in my mind is not in line with the thinking behind CSS stylesheets.

    That is how I evaluate Koch’s article against the background fo W3’s article.

  17. The fact of the matter is that support for arbitrary attributes is totally supported by (X)HTML – in the sense that all browsers have supported it since the DOM was introduced.

    The fact that the standards have NO clear way of recognising this is a huge shortcoming. My own solution is simply to ignore those validation errors; this is hardly ideal, particularly when we are trying to promote our CMS as standards compliant.

  18. It’s not clear to me why creating custom attributes for scripting is bad. They are just hooks to simplify JavaScript scripts. Web browser rendering engines don’t need to do anything with them since only the scripts will pay any attention to them.

    I think :hover is fine. It’s being used to change styles when an event occurs. The lines are blurred between presentation and behavior anyway since JavaScript can make modifications to CSS through the style and styleSheets objects.

    P.S. The quote from the HTML 4.01 Specs is here <>.

  19. The line between presentation and behaviour *can* be blurred, if you choose to do so. The whole point about the “is :hover bad?” line of arugment is that they *shouldn’t* be.

    i.e., don’t use javascript to modify the style attribute / styleSheets object. Use javascript to manipulate className instead. Doing this will *prevent* the line from being blurred.

    Regarding hover, however, this isn’t a case of CSS implementing behaviour, so much as the browser coming with some behaviours built in. As such, :hover isn’t

    I mean, ultimately you’re going to have li:hover or li.hover, which aren’t substantially different.

    Of course, IE6 support is still important 😛

  20. I want the “target” attribute back so I don’t have to fuss with javascript to open new windows.
    I also want the “wrap” attribute in textarea tags because it defines how to do line-wrapping and there are at least 3 ways the browsers deal with it!


  21. I’m so happy to see ALA back with a new article. Keep ’em coming!

  22. (i) respect the work of the w3c, yet wish that we’d gain a little ambition and a greater vision of what together we sellers/users/actual custodians can deliver the world.

    Tags and attributes are nothing if not identity attached to various well defined semantics, but clearly it is a schoolboy error to forget that identity exists, and needs to exist, seperate from defined semantics. Arbitrary attribute, prefixed with O_, ie. O_required=”1″ would solve they’re philosophical interoperability wobbles. We thousands demand you fix the spec by tomorrow.

    Go on then.

    I have nails and walls and a hammer. You are the masters of my windows and doors. Tell me I can’t bang these in! Tell me I can’t hang my picture!

    Anon stomps off grumbling with a murderous look in his eyes.

  23. Just a few words about the obvious confusion between behaviour and presentation.

    It is wrong to say that CSS=presentation and JS=behaviour. Both CSS and JS are tools to make the browser do what you want. Behaviour and presentation are concepts.

    It is true that CSS is intended to define presentation, and that JS is most suited for behaviour. Does that mean, though, that everything else is anathema? Am I not allowed to introduce a little style through JS?

    The important part is separation, not language binding. If I make a behaviour.js and a presentation.js, I have properly separated the two concepts. I probably have also done a lot of unnecessary work, such as trying to monitor changes to the class attribute so that changes from the behaviour side will reflect in the visible page.

    In other words, you should use CSS for presentation because it is better at it than JS. Similarly, you should use JS for behaviour because it is better at it.

    There was, for example, a W3C effort called XML Events. (I believe the effort has stopped due to lack of interest.) It allowed binding of events by using XML tags instead of some script language. Was that wrong? Isn’t it said that markup is for structure?

    No. The main document is for structure. Putting XML Events tags into the main file would have been wrong, because it would have mingled structure and behaviour. Using, for example, XInclude to separate the XML Events stuff would have been fine.

    Another example: SVG. Web sites could look extremely cool if we used SVG for their layout. With the advent of native SVG support in Mozilla and Opera, this even becomes possible. Is it a good idea, though?

    Sure, why not? Just because SVG is an XML language doesn’t mean it can’t be used for presentation. The problem is once again in that the naive approach would be to mix SVG elements into the main XHTML document. Mixing of structure and presentation. Bad.

    The key in this case would be to use a technology such as XBL to separate the SVG out of the structure. And we’re fine once again.

    All this has very little to do with the article in question. The article is about when to and when not to create a custom DTD.

    I think the point of the article is that Peter-Paul Koch’s idea of custom attributes is good, but creating a DTD just to make them validate is not. The point is that, due to the document no longer being HTML (not even invalid HTML), the downsides outweigh the questionable benefit of correct validation.

    Use your custom attributes. (As long as they don’t go into the behavioural area – in that case, bind from the JS side.) Just make sure that these attributes do not collide with possible future HTML attibutes: give them unique prefixes, or if you’re using XHTML, put them into their own namespace. Let that namespace refer to your own site, so that nobody is tempted to copy it. In recognition of Appendix C, make the namespace prefix reasonably unique as well, so that HTML parsers won’t get confused.

    Your document may no longer validate. But it is understood by everything but validating XML parsers. And quite frankly, these are not of much concern in the reality of the web.

  24. What this article tells me is that the W3C are scared that people will not use the ability to create custom DTDs properly, and thus put up big neon “this is bad” signs.

    Custom DTDs in the real world are like guns. If they are used carefully and responsibly then they present no threat, but when used without thought they have the potential to do a lot of damage.

    If you are going to create custom attributes, then think about what will happen to the user’s experience in user agents where the custom attributes won’t work. A good example of this would be JavaScript validation attributes in browsers that don’t support JavaScript. Will the absence of support prevent use of your site? If it doesn’t then go ahead and use those custom attributes.

    If absence of support breaks the site then you’d better rethink what you are doing.

    Now, if you’ve used custom attributes then you’d better tell the browser you are doing so and what it can expect to see. This is the purpose of DTDs after all, to tell programs reading our document what it can expect to find there in terms of structure. This includes both validation programs and browsers, even if the popular ones don’t actually bother to look at it.

    Of course the document won’t strictly be a 100% W3C standard XHTML document, but if you construct the DTD correctly it will still, for all intents and purposes, still be XHTML. Don’t just use random prefixes for your attributes, put them in a seperate XML namespace title appropriately. Your company name would be a good namespace. This seperates your additions cleanly from XHTML with no threat of conflicting with anything and has more meaning to it than random prefixes.

    If a lot of people are using the same attributes which have *exactly* the same meaning, then it would be wise to use the same namespace (but still seperate from the XHTML namespace) as it would identify to supporting user agents that they can expect the same thing from all these uses of the attribute.

    Ultimately the way forward is treat extensions to W3C standards like treading on egg shells. It can be done safely, but only if you are very careful not to break anything. 😉

  25. What people seem to keep missing is that behavior means a change of the information immediately available to the user, while style means the presentation of all information. Style should not affect the way the information is perceived, only give an aesthetically pleasing surrounding for it.

    As an example, a hover button with a different-colored background is not behavior, but style — no matter whether you do it with CSS or JavaScript. A drop-down menu with options is behavior, as it presents more information than the original view.

    Someone is going to ask “Well, smartypants, where’s the line between content and behavior then?”

    The line is that behavior controls the displayed content i.e. information. In the most degraded form (as in no css, js, etc for web pages) of the media, all content that can be made available through behavior should be shown.

    (Disclaimer: These are all my own thoughts and strictly IMO, but if you feel like giving constructive criticism, feel free.)

  26. This is preposterous… XML means eXtensible Markup language. As in you should extend it and create new vocabularies accroding to it’s syntax rules to fit your business need. To suggest that we should not use XML to do the things XML was created for just doesn’t make sense.

  27. Great! let us be thankful for XHTML’s modular design, oh the wisdom, and add a module describing a flag attribute using our own DTD. It’s not-trivial, we are told.

    Not-trivial, repeat that. And then hear the truth. “It’s not trivial either because we’ve obfuscated it, or because there isn’t a teacher/writer/actualuser amongst us”.

    “But at least its jobs for the boys for a few years yet.”

    Practical accessible reading material on the subject appears not to exist. Give up now and save yourself some time. Some messiah will come along with the subject on a stick one day, maybe. You lucky lazy jobless web mechanics.

    The use of language belies the w3c as technocratic elitists more inclined to ponder their own cleverness than encapsulating XHTMLs logic for anyone with more than one thing to do.

    Of course it’s astonishingly simple when you know how, but don’t worry your pretty little heads about it.

  28. ALA Writers,

    I have read this web site religiously since the late 90’s and I am a believer and follower of web standards. As I do understand some of the lingo and jargon in this article, some of it is just alien to me, and thus i open and quickly close the document. How techy does an article really need to be. Content is key, and if you want to really educate people, start talking to them in a manner that a broad range of people can understand, and not just us code geeks.

    Sure this site is a great resource, but is it really at its full potential?? I reccomend comparing the time a user spends on a page that is easy to understand vs. pages like this. I am sure there is some drastic results.

    Anthony Armendariz
    Partner/Creative Director
    Design Dialogue
    Houston, TX

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