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A man wearing a VR headset explores the metaverse version of Shibuya, a district in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Yuki Kohara) 
The Big Story

Asia's metaverse is still thriving, from digital cities to gaming

In Japan, Philippines and more, virtual worlds are expanding despite Meta's flop in the West

RYOHTAROH SATOH, KIM JAEWON and RAMON ROYANDOYAN, Nikkei staff writers, and DAVID COTRISS, contributing writer | Japan

TOKYO/SEOUL/MANILA -- In real life, Hitsuzi is a 32-year-old Japanese government employee who lives alone in a suburb north of Tokyo. He usually comes home from work around 8 p.m., eats a ready meal, and then, starting around 10 p.m., the fun begins. He puts on a set of VR goggles that transport him to a great gilded hall built in the clouds, where he chats and games with friends from all over the globe into the early hours of the morning.

In the virtual world, Hitsuzi interacts with his friends not as a 30-something office worker but in the form of his avatar: a purple-haired girl sporting a pair of cat ears and a black mini dress.

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