TIL: Setting default browser on macOS using Nix Jul 12, 2024 Switch your browser around, declaratively.
Lies, damn lies, and business cases for AI hype Jul 11, 2024 Wherein we learn that people who are sold on a technology are sold on a technology, and that’s about it
TIL: Using nix run to lint one-off Python scripts Jul 08, 2024 Linting and autoformatting crappy little scripts as if they were proper software
Staying cool with OpenStreetMap Jun 26, 2024 Choose an OSM tag, make it cool
A little Nix fix Mar 02, 2024 A meandering wander around the scary magical future of package management.
TIL: Monorepo Makefile inheritance with shared variables and targets Jan 30, 2023 Mingled Makefiles for a multirepo milieu.
TIL: Emacs Lisp - write a string to a file Jan 05, 2023 Put some Hello World in a file.
TIL: Encode and decode text in Emacs Lisp Jan 03, 2023 A short guide to string encoding in elisp.
Today I Learned: Background Jan 03, 2023 Brief notes on the matter of sharing brief notes about the inner guts of technology.
Writing better API documentation: a few lessons from enterprise integration Jun 29, 2022 Over many years working on API integrations, I’ve seen a whole lot of ways that the experience could be less frustrating. This isn’t a definitive list but a personal collection of a few recurring problems with documentation I’ve seen in different REST APIs that could be avoided. Explain what a field does Consider API documentation like this: String[] tags - “This field contains tags for the post.” This is not helpful. ...