The Last of Us Wiki
The Last of Us Wiki

NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 4 December 2021

10 years of The Last of Us Wiki

Greetings, survivors! Today, we are celebrating the 10-year anniversary of The Last of Us Wiki! This is a huge milestone for our community, and I'm honored to be celebrating it with all you who still contribute and browse the wiki to this day.

In this blog post, we're gonna go over the history and the future of the wiki, and just commemorate the past 10 years of everyone's hard work! :D

Ten years ago today on December 4, 2011, user Sackchief founded The Last of Us Wiki on the wiki hosting platform named and made his first edit. For those who may not know, The Last of Us is first referenced as an [accidental] Easter egg in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception—another Naughty Dog game—and the Easter egg began to make the rounds in December 2011. In th…

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 26 September 2021

Celebrating The Last of Us Day 2021

Greetings, survivors! Today is September 26th, which means The Last of Us fans from around the world are celebrating The Last of Us Day 2021! Since 2013, The Last of Us Day is a day commemorated by Naughty Dog that recognizes and honors the passion and support of the incredible The Last of Us community. The wiki is also celebrating The Last of Us Day by releasing a new design and many new updates!

You can read more about The Last of Us Day 2021 on the official PlayStation website:

  • 1 Community update
  • 2 What's new
    • 2.1 Photo Mode community event
    • 2.2 TV series teaser image
    • 2.3 Joel Statue from Dark Horse
    • 2.4 The Last of Us Part II: Covers and Rarities vinyl from Mondo
    • 2.5 Accessories by …

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 26 September 2021

New wiki design and updates

Hello everyone! To celebrate The Last of Us Day 2021, The Last of Us Wiki has a new design as well as plenty of updates! This update brings a new look to the main page, templates, and practically the wiki as a whole. One of the goals of this redesign was to slightly brighten and modernize the wiki but still retain that dark, gritty feeling known to The Last of Us series. Another was to update from the outdated coding used in the wiki's previous state. Down below are details on the new updates:

The wiki's overall theme and appearance is one of the biggest changes in this update. The wiki's wordmark is now the Fireflies logo and the community name uses the Press Gothic font popular with The Last of Us series (this change is one of my personal fa…

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Jgmortim Jgmortim 24 July 2020

State of the World

On this page, I will be attempting to catalog every reference in the series to countries other than the USA. From these pieces, I will be providing my interpretation on what we can learn and infer about the state of the world. If you know of something I missed, or believe my interpretation is incorrect, please let me know!

Contributors: Jgmortim, M67PattonZippo

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 18 June 2020

The Last of Us Part II - Review roundup

Well, it is here at last folks, The Last of Us Part II has released today, June 19th, 2020. As expected, much like its predecessor, Part II have been met with universal acclaim. It scored a 96/100 on Metacritic, meaning the reviewers worldwide unanimously believe it is a undisputed Masterpiece on the PlayStation 4.

  • 1 A masterpiece
  • 2 The 'almost perfect'
  • 3 A solid, if not perfect game
  • 4 What about you?
  • 5 Sources cited
  • 6 References

Compiled below are only a few dozen of the numerous reviews scoring this game the impressive perfect 10/10:

  • TechRadar: 10/10
  • VG247: 10/10
  • TheSixthAxis: 10/10
  • Metro: 10/10
  • Empire: 10/10
  • We Got This Covered: 10/10
  • GamesRadar: 10/10
  • Game Informer: 10/10
  • Push Square: 10/10
  • Telegraph: 10/10
  • The Guardian: 10/10
  • Toronto Sun: 10/10
  • TheSixthAxis: 10/10
  • Da…

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 26 September 2021

The Military - Dictators?

Hey everyone. ^_^ Snivystorm here with a proposition for you readers.

We all know the military in The Last of Us by now. Hardened, powerful and brutal, the military are the strongest faction left in America after the cordyceps outbreak and rule in their little quarantine zones as dictators over helpless citizens without anything better to live for than to be subservient to the supreme rulers that are our gun-wielding dictators. Or do they?

Are these soldiers really dictators? How complete is their control in The Last of Us world? Are they benevolent, misunderstood protectors? Can there be multiple dictators in a single group? So many questions, so little code.

This has been bugging me for a while and I thought, hey, lets see what other think :D I…

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NinjaFatGuy NinjaFatGuy 2 May 2019

The Last of Us Wiki's official Discord server!

Hey there, guys, NinjaFatGuy here. I wanted to make an announcement that The Last of Us Wiki has an official Discord server! For those who don't know, Discord is a free text-voice chat application that allows you to communicate with other users on private servers.

We recommend all users to create a Discord account if you don't already have one and download the app for your desktop and/or phone, and join our server by clicking on the following link:

Join The Last of Us Wiki's official Discord server!

On our Discord server, you can discuss anything from The Last of Us, the wiki, or simply socialize and communicate. The server can act as a live, faster method of using the wiki's forums, message walls, and discussions. The Discord server will be used …

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 26 September 2021

Joel and Anna - Parental Conflict

Hey everyone! ^_^ It’s me, Snivystorm, back again with another blog.

Now I don't know about you, but that new trailer at PGW has got me psyched to talk about The Last of Us Part II. In fact, I'm gonna delve into some theories. We all know the obvious ones, Joel likely being dead, the unnamed woman from the recent PGW trailer likely being Ellie’s mother Anna and that the game very well could be occurring in Seattle given the similar appearance of the road signs and such in the trailers. I could do a massive blog about each of these individual theories and even things I personally want to occur in the game (above all a new type of Infected to fight :D). However, I want to focus on just one specific theory, namely: the theme of parental conflic…

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Snivystorm Snivystorm 26 September 2021

Joel - Hero or Villain?

Hey everyone ^_^ It's Snivystorm here!

Now I know, I know, it seems out of place for me to be doing this now when all the hype is on the new The Last of Us Part II which was revealed only days ago. Now don't get me wrong, I'm just as hyped as you guys for it (we get to play as Ellie *squeals with joy*). However, it's because of this new found focus on Ellie that I want to take a step back and re-evaluate the man who started it all. Joel.

This is the man who we effectively began our journey with, but just what sort of man was he? He did seemingly good things, saving Ellie's life, fulfilling Tess' wish and looked after his daughter. However, is there another side to this man and how does this shape our view of him being a 'hero'?.

I hope you enjo…

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BenRG BenRG 6 December 2016

TLoU Part II Tentative Teaser Analysis

It's amazing how many questions Naughty Dog were able to raise with a single 4-minute video wasn't it? Especially as most of it was a music video! Anyway, I've been thinking (probably a bit too hard) about the The Last of Us Part II Reveal Trailer and I have a few thoughts that I'd like to share with you.

WARNING - This blog post will contain spoilers for The Last of Us, Left Behind and the reveal trailer for The Last of Us Part II

  • 1 The Game's Title
  • 2 Joel - Alive or Ghost?
  • 3 Who Are 'Them'?
  • 4 Ellie's Motivation
    • 4.1 Possible Romance
  • 5 Joel's Motivation

Not 'The Last of Us - American Daughter' or 'The Last of Us - Ellie's Vendetta' or anything like that. 'The Last of Us, Part II'. Neil is telling us that this is not a sequel, it is a direct continuation, time s…

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