Terraria Mods Wiki
Welcome to the Tenebrae Mod Wiki
We are currently maintaining 15,439 articles, written by 35,041,135 users.
Icon (Tenebrae Mod)The Mod

The Tenebrae Mod is a work in progress content / quality of life mod that adds new weapons, accessories, and items. We plan to add unique content in the form of a new dimension and game mode accessed after defeating the Moon Lord, as well as completely overhauling the meteorite biome with new enemies, items, and even a boss. We're still working on adding these features, so hopefully they'll be released sooner then later.

Tenebrae Mod/Pot MimicPot Mimic
Tenebrae Mod/Nebulaic WatcherNebulaic Watcher
Tenebrae Mod/Quasared CrawlerQuasared Crawler
Tenebrae Mod/RecipesCrafting
Tenebrae Mod/DropsDrops