Terraria Mods Wiki

Logo (TRRA (A RWBY Mod))
Welcome to the TRRA (A RWBY Mod) Wiki!

Current Version: v3.5.0
Mod Wiki Info

This is TRRA (A RWBY Mod), a mod designed to bring elements of the online web series RWBY into Terraria.

This mod currently includes the following:

New Weapons: A variety of weapons from the original series. Most of these weapons utilise a transform function that gives them dual use.

New Resource - Dust: A new resource based on the substance from the original series, these crystals will spawn throughout the world upon defeating Skeletron.

New NPC: A new town NPC that sells a variety of Dust related items which are required to craft the various weapons and ammo, as well as produce more Dust.

New Event: A new 'blood moon' style event called the 'Shattered Moon', during which the creatures of Grimm will swarm the surface. This event will start randomly occuring at the beginning of night once Plantera has been defeated.

Transform Hotkey: An additional hotkey for use with the new weapons in this mod. Causes the weapons to change from one form to another.

It should go without saying, but I do not own the copyright to the designs implemented in this mod. These are owned by Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC.

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