Terraria Mods Wiki

Welcome to the not official Shards of Atheria wiki! (Official wiki here: https://terrariamods.wiki.gg/wiki/Shards_of_Atheria (This one has been abandoned and will probably be deleted soon along with its sub-pages) )

  • This is a mod that adds many new items, weapons, accessories and random stuff the mod creator feels like adding. Soon the mod will emphasize more on making a (coherent) story and lore of the Terraria world.
  • It also adds many references from other games and a new mode called Slayer Mode.
  • View the Forum page for more info
  • Join the Discord server for updates, spoilers, etc. Any bugs found should be reported in the server.
Soul of Daylight (Shards of Atheria)List of Items
/Basic EnemiesBasic Enemies
/Town NPCsTown NPCs