Terraria Mods Wiki
Welcome to the Multidimension Mod Wiki.

The Multidimension Mod is a mod that adds a couple items, resources and enemies.

The Mod has been ported and overhauled and renamed to Awakened Light in 1.4 and is in deep need of coding support regarding new content. This wiki is no longer supported and outdated, but will not be deleted though in case 1.3 players wish to look things up. If you are interested in spoilers about new content or maybe even wanna help out with development, you can join the Awakened Light discord server. https://discord.gg/jWXCuJAMJM

Cold Ash (Multidimension Mod)Biomes
Multidimension Mod/Frozen UnderworldFrozen Underworld
Dorira Map Icon (Multidimension Mod)NPCs

Town NPCs:

Martian Cellphone (Multidimension Mod)Resources
Multidimension Mod/Boss#ProgressionBoss progression