Terraria Mods Wiki
Icon (expanded terraria)

Expanded Terarria is a mod that expands the vanilla terraria experience by adding a plethora of new items, gameplay options and changes to enhance the game progression.

All of that while keeping the vanilla feel, vibe and style as much as possible.

This bring us to 420 new items and changes such as:

  • new starting gear
  • new weapons
  • new armour
  • new tools
  • new accessories
  • new npcs
  • new npc loot
  • new chest loot
  • new items in npc shops
  • new fishing loot and crates
  • new ways of progression
  • vanilla tweaks

and so much more!

Keep in mind that this mod is in it's early stages and the late game additions haven't been explored as much yet. But in the future this mod will enhance the whole game's progression by a lot!

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/aZVe7EPrTY Make sure to join if you want to ask me any questions, give suggestions or report bugs!

Mod Contents:

Leaf(Expanded Terraria) Items[ | ]
