Terraria Mods Wiki
Welcome to the Echoes of the Ancients Wiki
We are currently maintaining 15,439 articles, written by 35,041,135 users.
Icon (Echoes of the Ancients)The Mod

Echoes of the Ancients is a general content mod that adds in many things, with a focus on cool and unique items.

Current content:

  • 322 new items.
  • 2 new bosses.
  • Post-Moon Lord content.
  • Small Vanilla tweaks (configurable!).
  • 5 new ores with accompanying sets.
  • Even more not listed here!
Echoes of the Ancients/GalahisGalahis
Echoes of the Ancients/Creation and DestructionCreation and Destruction
Echoes of the Ancients/AccessoriesAccessories
Echoes of the Ancients/ArmorArmor
Echoes of the Ancients/BarsBars
Echoes of the Ancients/ConsumablesConsumables
Echoes of the Ancients/Crafting materialsCrafting materials
Echoes of the Ancients/PaintingsFurniture
Echoes of the Ancients/MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
Echoes of the Ancients/OresOres
Echoes of the Ancients/Vanity itemsVanity items
Echoes of the Ancients/WingsWings
Echoes of the Ancients/BuffsBuffs
Echoes of the Ancients/CraftingCrafting
Echoes of the Ancients/DebuffsDebuffs
Echoes of the Ancients/DefenseDefense
Echoes of the Ancients/DropsDrops
Echoes of the Ancients/MusicMusic