Brick is mech. Brick is life.

Brick is mech. Brick is life.

Starr Wang, twice as many R’s as any other Star related General Accounting? #starrmazer #joke #funny #Canada

Starr Wang, twice as many R’s as any other Star related General Accounting? #starrmazer #joke #funny #Canada

Starr Mazer: DSP Halloween Boss Rush Contest - October 24th - 31st 2016

The G’ell are sending their biggest and baddest vessels to take down Thearsa CP-IX! Command your DSP Squadron and blast them out of the sky!

Play Starr Mazer: DSP on Steam and type in the code “tricks” at the title screen to start the special Halloween Boss Rush mode! Assemble your squad and compete against your friends and the world for the fastest time! Beware! Losing pilots will penalize your time! Your best run will automatically be entered onto the Steam Leaderboards.

The top three pilots will win prizes!

What are you waiting for? Get out there and make the Thearsa fleet proud!


Ace Pilot Grand Prize

Add a complete custom First name, Middle name and Last name to the name pool for DSP pilots!*

Official Starr Mazer T-Shirt from Fangamer

Wingman Runner Up Prize

Add a complete custom First name, Middle name and Last name to the name pool for DSP pilots!*

Top Dog Third Prize

Add a custom First name, Middle name and Last name to the name pool for DSP pilots!*

*See rules for restrictions

How to enter

1. Update and run Starr Mazer: DSP on Steam

2. At the title screen type in the code: tricks

3. Enlist your squad and battle the bosses!

Times are registered on the Steam Leaderboard automatically when you complete the Boss Rush. Unfinished runs do not count. Losing a pilot will penalize your time by adding 10 seconds. 

Try multiple times for the fastest time!

Times must be be submitted before October 31st at 5pm PDT to be eligible to win.

Steam SK:ORE Attack Leaderboard

Official Rules

You must be 13 years or older to participate

Imagos Softworks, Pixeljam and Playism employees are ineligible to win

Times must be on the Steam Leaderboard by 5pm PDT, October 31st 2016. All Times submitted after the deadline are not eligible to win

Fastest time will receive the Grand Prize, second fastest time will receive the Runner Up Prize and the third fastest time will receive the Third Prize.

One Grand Prize Winner and two runner ups will be notified via Steam Direct Messaging from the Steam account starrmazer and will have 7 days to respond

If the winner(s) fails to respond, the prizes will be awarded to the next fastest times and eligible players

Grand Prize winner must provide a shippable address for the T-shirt prize

Custom name prize may not contain profane or copyrighted material

Imagos Softworks, Pixeljam and Playism reserve the right to refuse any name(s) for the custom name prize

Custom names will be entered into the pool of available DSP pilot names and may appear separately in other name combinations

Complete custom names will generally show up as a full name but may also have individual names used in other name combinations

Starr Mazer:DSP ハロウィンボスラッシュコンテスト2016年10月24日~31日

ゲル帝国がテルサ CP-IXを乗っ取るため最悪最大の宇宙艇を送り込んできやがった!DSP隊を送り込み、やつらを返り討ちにして吹っ飛ばしてやれ!

Starr Mazer:DSP をSteamで立ち上げ、タイトル画面で「tricks」と入力するとボスラッシュモードに入るぞ!分隊を組んで仲間や世界とタイムを競おう!だが気をつけろ!パイロットを失うとタイムにペナルティがかかるぞ!君のベストタイムが自動的にSteamリーダーボードに記録されるからドンドンチャレンジしてくれたまえ!





・DSPの軍名簿にあなたの選んだコンプリートパイロットネームを追加します! (あなたがDSP内のキャラ名を命名することができます。)

・Fangamerから公式Starr MazerTシャツが贈られます。


・DSPの軍名簿にあなたの選んだコンプリートパイロットネームを追加します! (あなたがDSP内のキャラ名を命名することができます。)


・DSPの軍名簿にあなたの選んだカスタムパイロットネームを追加します! (あなたがDSP内のランダムネームプールに名前(苗字・名前・ミドルネーム)を追加することができます。)



1.SteamでStarr Mazer:DSPを開始。





1. 参加資格は13歳以上のプレイヤーに限ります。

2. Imagos Softworks, Pixeljam と Playismのスタッフは賞品を得ることはできません。

3. タイムは11月1日(土)AM 09時までに応募されたもののみとなり、これ以降の応募は無効となります。

4. タイムアタックは一位に大賞、二位に二等賞三位に三等賞が贈られます。

5. 一位から三位の受賞者はSteamアカウント「starrmazer」からSteamダイレクトメッセージを通じてご連絡いたします。7日間以内に確認のお返事が頂けない場合、優勝は無効となります。

6.  5.において受賞者の確認が取れなかった場合、次のハイスコア所持者が繰り上げ当選となります。

7. 優勝者にはTシャツの送付のために有効な住所を提供して頂きます。

8. 追加する名前には汚い言葉遣いや、著作権に関わるものは使用できません。

9. 7において、Imagos Softworks、PixeljamおよびPlayismには申請された名前を拒否する権利があります。

10. 追加されるカスタムネームはパイロット名リストに入る形になるため、申請された組み合わせで表示されるとは限らないことをご了承下さい。

New stream graphics on #SMTV! Every Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm PDT! Here Don and James Silva from @skastudios hanging out!

New stream graphics on #SMTV! Every Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm PDT! Here Don and James Silva from @skastudios hanging out!

SK:ORE Attack Early Access Contest (9/30 - 10/14)

We’re excited to announce the first Starr Mazer: DSP Early Access contest! Compete against your friends and the world for the highest SK:ORE in a special beefed up G’ell invasion level!

Play Starr Mazer: DSP on Steam and type in the code “topdog” at the title screen to start the attack! High SK:OREs are entered into a special Steam leaderboard automatically. The top SK:ORE Steam user on October 14th at 5pm PDT will win the Grand Prize!

What are you waiting for? Get out there and make the Thearsa fleet proud!

Grand Prize

Add a custom First name, Middle name and Last name to the name pool for DSP pilots!*

Official Starr Mazer T-Shirt from Fangamer

*See rules for restrictions

How to enter

1. Open Starr Mazer: DSP on Steam
2. At the title screen type in the code: topdog
3. Enlist your squad and battle the G’ell. Unused SK:ORE will be added to your total end SK:ORE.
4. High SK:OREs are registered on the Steam Leaderboard automatically when you finish either by completing the level or losing all of your pilots

Feel free to try multiple times for the highest SK:ORE

High SK:OREs must be be submitted before October 14th at 5pm PDT to be eligible to win.

Steam SK:ORE Attack Leaderboard

Official Rules

1. You must be 13 years or older to participate
2. High SK:ORE must be on the Steam Leaderboard by 5pm PDT, October 14th 2016. All SK:OREs submitted after the deadline are not eligible to win
3. One Grand Prize Winner will be notified via Steam Direct Messaging from the Steam account starrmazer and will have 7 days to respond
4. If the winner fails to respond, the prize will be awarded to the next highest scoring eligible player
5. Winner must provide a shippable address for the T-shirt prize
6. Custom name prize may not contain profane or copyrighted material
7. Imagos Softworks, Pixeljam and Playism reserve the right to refuse any name(s) for the custom name prize
8. Custom names will be entered into the pool of available DSP pilot names and may appear separately in other name combinations


Can’t start the special SK:ORE Attack mode

Make sure you are running the latest non-beta version of Starr Mazer: DSP (.3.8.2). Instructions on how to change versions here,

My SK:ORE isn’t showing up on the leaderboards

Refresh the leaderboards page. Ensure you are playing the latest non-beta build of Starr Mazer: DSP through Steam while logged in and online.

Starr Mazer: DSP Early Access Update .3.8.2Starr Mazer: DSP version 0.382 just updated on Steam! This new build features Bullet previews when buying pilots, new enemy patterns and much more! Read the full change log here!
A new special Score Attack...

Starr Mazer: DSP Early Access Update .3.8.2

Starr Mazer: DSP version 0.382 just updated on Steam! This new build features Bullet previews when buying pilots, new enemy patterns and much more! Read the full change log here!

A new special Score Attack competition will be launching tomorrow! Stay tuned for the full details and rules! Reblog to let your friends know and then CRUSH them in the Leaderboards!

Don’t own Starr Mazer: DSP? Pick up your copy today on Steam! Be sure to give the game a review! It really does help us spread the word!

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