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The 2024 Developer Survey results are live! See the results
Humain's user avatar
Humain's user avatar
Humain's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Paris, France
63 votes

Fast ways to import drawables in Android Studio?

40 votes

Android studio: new project vs new module

32 votes

How to export data to csv file in Android?

28 votes

android difference between testImplementation and androidTestImplementation in build.gradle

17 votes

Equality in Kotlin

14 votes

Force update of an Android app when a new version is available

11 votes

What do these numbers in Android logcat mean?

10 votes

Material Design backward compatibility

9 votes

Keystore file doesn't exist

8 votes

Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android)

8 votes

Android Robolectric Gradle - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

7 votes

Android picasso, error reason

7 votes

Android studio importing in gradle issue

4 votes

zooming in and out an image in android

4 votes

How to change the build tools version number for all of my modules in Android Studio/Gradle?

4 votes

"Native typeface cannot be made" only for some people

3 votes

getActionBar() returning null

3 votes

Update query with RxJava2 type return give an error: Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type

2 votes

Android Studio Removing Code Redundancies

2 votes

Two-way data binding Converter

2 votes

how change android activiy homeAsup arrow color

2 votes

How to add image into TextView

2 votes

Material design - What is the correct size for icon in listview?

2 votes

Lay ImageView on top of ImageView Android

2 votes

Android white text in search box

2 votes

Android view.setBackgroundColor() from thread

1 vote

Android Lollipop Material design tabs animation

1 vote

Application crashes while scrolling my custom gridView

1 vote

How can i load a external image into an android toast?

1 vote

Connect to tor with java - TorLib