Over 15 years in the industry walking the stack through OS, infrastructure, platform, backend, native & browser apps.
My work on reliable & scalable systems impacts hundreds of millions through some of the most recognizable online brands.
Also, I build & run free stuff.


Work history (CV)

Red Hat
tech support

service reliability

site reliability

core storage

Apollo GraphQL
PaaS + SaaS

full stack

Creations (newest to oldest)

👋 found.as names anything
🔏 1pw.me: password → page
🔐 0pw.me: sign up to store
🛰️ xmit.co static hosting
 formic.id hobby language
 srv.us TLS tunnels
 zat.is small QR generator
✒ Words
⣿ Teeko board game remakes
⌨ Planck keyboard
♠ Rainbow deck
↷ ident.me IP locator


🔁 signali.ng for WebRTC
❇ 2017 GraphQL slides
 Clive vaporware
 CSS playground
 RDV musings
 Suggested videos
Self-reference as a QR code