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Last Updated: Saturday, 29 May, 2004, 15:44 GMT 16:44 UK
Streisand must pay over legal row
Barbra Streisand
Streisand said she had acted because of a problem with stalkers
Singer Barbra Streisand has been ordered to pay a six-figure sum to an amateur photographer whom she had sued for $10m (�5.5m) in a privacy dispute.

A judge has ruled that Streisand must pay Kenneth Adelman $177,000 (�99,000) to cover his legal fees in the case.

She had sued Mr Adelman after he posted an aerial photo of her home in Malibu, California, on a conservation website.

A judge had earlier ruled that her privacy was not violated, and her request for an injunction was denied.

Streisand had argued that the photograph could worsen a problem she already had with stalkers.

Mr Adelman, a retired software entrepreneur, said he posted the photos on his California Coastal Records Project site as part of his scientific research on coastline conservation.

The website "is not about Streisand", he said. "It's about the California coast, and she happens to have a very, very small part (of) it."

He said the photos showed details of her estate that could not be seen from the street.

Streisand, 62, retired as a public performer in September 2000.

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