Chairs' short informal summary (19 April 2012) and some action items

Thank you everyone for participation in last week's meeting. This was a very useful exploratory call. While we did not make any formal decisions�on the call, there did seem to be rough consensus that there is value in the group developing privacy�considerations for W3C standards. There were also suggestions such as: working towards being able to�conduct privacy reviews of early drafts of specifications from other W3C groups; developing best practice�guidelines; and commenting on legal/policy developments.

Full minutes are available:�
Our next call will be on 17 May 2012 at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 16:00 UTC, 6pm CET.
So that we can move forward before the next call, we have identified the following action items:

1. Join PING
If you would like to be involved and contribute to PING's work, please join the group� Non-Members may join as public Invited Experts:�
2. Provide ideas using the wiki at�, please share your ideas for goals for a privacy considerations document,�useful resources to draw from, and help us build an outline for what such a document should look like
3. Connections with other W3C groups and external groups
Please let us know, by completing the wiki at�, which W3C groups and external privacy-related�groups you participate in. Please also include pointers to relevant work in those groups.
The chairs will also reach out to the IAB and other W3C group chairs to gather their experience in handling�privacy issues and what works best in building privacy into specific standards.

- Christine and Tara

Received on Saturday, 28 April 2012 02:45:19 UTC