
Personalized NewsNEWS

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Quickly catch up on the latest news stories, with articles, videos and opinions from all the major news media outlets.

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Always be in the know with the latest stories from the U.S. and around the world

Personalized News

Your personal news feed is tailored to your interests based on what you read and watch


Get the whole story - swipe between articles, videos and opinions from different sources


Articles and Opinions from all the major news media outlets in one place

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Top Stories in every category: Business & Technology, Politics, Sports, Health, Entertainment and more...


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Fuse is a smart news aggregator that delivers personalized and complete coverage of top news stories from the U.S. and around the world. Stories are covered from every angle - with articles, videos and opinions from trusted sources.

Fuse employs AI/ML algorithms to continuously collect, organize, prioritize and personalize news stories. Articles, videos and opinions are collected from all the major news media outlets and automatically organized by stories and topics.

Your personal news feed is tailored to your interests based on what you read and watch. Our personalization algorithm analyzes your interactions with stories so we can create the most interesting feed for you.

Our AI algorithm determines the top stories in every section, based in part on the number of sources that reported each story and social media references. We analyze content from multiple news outlets and social media to determine the top trending stories.

Click the Star button at the bottom of the story. The story will automatically appear in the Following section. You can also opt-in for push notifications to get updates on stories that you follow.


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