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FreeWheel’s TV and video advertising technology is built for today’s ever-evolving multiscreen ecosystem. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, we offer the tools, data, and insights you need to drive results, including programmatic capabilities that help you maximize efficiency and impact. FreeWheel’s platform makes TV and video advertising work.

Unleash the Power of Premium Programmatic
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For Buyers

DemandSuite helps you maximize your media investment value and amplify your brand. It offers a simplified media supply chain, more direct access to premium partners, and tools and technology that help you plan, activate, and transact.

For Sellers

SupplySuite helps you maximize revenue and grow your business with ease. Our unified platform enables you to better monetize your inventory, reduce audience fragmentation, unify data sources for better decisioning, and connect with more buyers and sources of demand.

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The Strata platform helps with every step of the advertiser’s campaign workflow. Strata is a single, comprehensive system that enables cross-media campaign planning, activation, optimization, and financial management.


The Beeswax platform enables buyers to access and activate premium programmatic. It offers proprietary data access, unified UI and workflows, and premium, curated omnichannel inventory.


It’s Only Live Once: How TV Advertisers Can Capture Audiences in the Moment

This new report breaks down the what, where, and why of advertising in live events, with a focus on how advertisers and programmers should approach live event advertising on streaming. It’s only live once, so as an industry, we need to get it right.

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FreeWheel Viewer Experience Lab: Improving the Quality of Ad Experiences

This third report from FreeWheel’s Viewer Experience Lab explores what factors contribute to a low-quality ad experience and how content owners can improve ad experiences for viewers in order to provide brands with the best results.

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Unlocking the Potential for Independent Programmatic Demand on CTV

FreeWheel’s State of Programmatic Independent Demand report explores how independent agencies capitalize on programmatic CTV, diving into one of the largest available datasets on the usage and monetization of professional, rights-managed, ad-supported video content in the US.

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