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Waxwell Portrait
Nothing. Am I supposed to be sad for the smelly brigand?

Maxwell, examining an empty Marotter Den.

WX-78 Portrait

WX-78, examining a lootable Marotter Den

Wigfrid Portrait
Then sink, wretched raft! A Viking hath nö fear öf the sea!

Wigfrid, examining a sinking Marotter Den platform.

Marotter Dens are naturally spawning objects exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the From Beyond updates. They are a kind of Boat with a den on it and can be found close to land in the shallow waters of Coastal Ocean.

A Marotter Den is the home of 2 Marotters that will bring found and stolen items to their dens. A den have 4 slots, so 4 different kind of items can be stored in there. Every other item will be dropped on the platform of the den when a Marotter enters it. Players can loot a Marotter Den to receive the items. Doing so will not aggro the Marotters, however, attacking the den will.

If the Marotter Den is unloaded at the end of the day, it will slowly fill itself with the following items:

Item Quantity
Barnacles/Kelp Patch/Bull Kelp Stalk 1
Driftwood Piece/Fish Morsel/Fish Meat/Kelp Fronds/Monster Meat/Meat/Morsel 2

When a Marotter is killed, the den will respawn a new one in the first night after a period of 6 days.

The platform of Marotter Dens can be moved with an Oar; doing so will cause the resident Marotters to attack the player. It has a durability of 100, and will degrade slowly when leaving shallow waters. When left in shallow waters it will slowly repair itself at a rate of 12 Boat Meter (DST)/min. The Marotter Den itself has 350 health and can be attacked. If destroyed, the platform will degrade slowly and will not self repair anymore. Also, the leak cannot be patched. However, the durability of the platform can be increased by 30 Boat Meter (DST) with a Kelp Patch. The Marotter Den and its platform both are flammable, so placing a Camp Fire here will cause a Fire to spread, damaging or destroying the den and the platform.

Placeholder Trivia[]
