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Digital Book World 2024 is POSTPONED.

More information will be forthcoming after the first of the year.

Selected media coverage from DBW 2023:
Digital Book World Returns (Ed Nawotka, print edition of Publishers Weekly)
Digital Book World Focuses on Data and Accessibility (Ed Nawotka, Publishers Weekly)
Digital Book World 2023: The Future of AI Writing and Audio (Ed Nawotka,
Publishers Weekly)
Digital Book World: Startups Are Entering 'A New Age' (Ed Nawotka, Publishers Weekly)
IPA’s Karine Pansa at DBW: ‘A Big Wake-Up Call’ (Porter Anderson, Publishing Perspectives)
Brown and Lucas Address Black Women In Publishing Panel (Katy Hershberger, Publishers Lunch)
Digital Book World Returns To New York City (Jane Friedman, Hot Sheet Pub)

Turbulence ahoy as big publishers find trouble at top (Gayle Feldman, The Bookseller)
DBW Redux (Lorraine Shanley, Publishing Trends)

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