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Welcome to Detroit, Ron Gardenhire!

Welcome to Detroit, Ron Gardenhire!




“And I said welcome to Detroit city” 🎵

“And I said welcome to Detroit city” 🎵

When you find out T-Swift is dropping a new album.

When you find out T-Swift is dropping a new album.

Don’t let the tie fool you.

Don’t let the tie fool you.

Justin Upton’s bat is still red hot!

Justin Upton’s bat is still red hot!

Nailed the Carlton Dance.

Nailed the Carlton Dance. 

WOW (Walk Off Walk)

WOW (Walk Off Walk)

Honestly, we’re not sure how to caption this. But we can’t stop laughing at it.

Honestly, we’re not sure how to caption this. But we can’t stop laughing at it.