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    What to Know Before You Take That Supplement

    The FDA doesn't approve them or test the safety or effectiveness of supplements

    Woman looking at bottle of supplements with warning label. Photo: Getty Images

    One-third of Americans say they think supplements have been tested by the Food and Drug Administration for safety, according to a 2022 nationally representative survey (PDF) by Consumer Reports of 3,070 adults in the U.S. But in reality, the FDA doesn’t approve or test the safety or effectiveness of any supplement sold in the U.S. before it enters the market.

    In fact, the FDA typically learns of problems with a product only after it’s on store shelves. That’s unlike prescription and over-the-counter drugs, which undergo multiple clinical trials as part of a lengthy FDA application process before they’re approved for sale. To learn about potential problems with supplements, the agency relies on reports of injuries or misleading marketing submitted by consumers or healthcare providers.

    More on Supplements

    “The FDA can’t ban risky supplements until they have some evidence or early signals that there’s a safety problem,” says CR’s Chuck Bell, who advocates for better oversight of supplements.

    Still, a vitamin, mineral, or another supplement may sometimes be needed, such as iron for those with anemia. So knowing what to look for when choosing a product is key.

    Here are a few tips:

    Look for the USP certification seal. The U.S. Pharmacopeia sets the most widely accepted standards for dietary supplements, CR’s experts say. (A list of USP-verified products can be found at You may also find seals from other valid third-party testers, including, NSF International, and UL Solutions. But ignore unknown certifications, even if they look official.

    One label you won’t find? Test Labs USA. That was a fictitious seal of approval that 15 percent of people in CR’s survey who typically take supplements said they look for when purchasing supplements.

    Don’t be fooled by “proprietary blends.” While companies that use that term must list the ingredients in their products, they don’t have to list the amounts of each one, Bell says. “So you’ll have no idea how little or how much a product has of any one of the ingredients,” he says. That’s especially a problem for compounds that can be hazardous at high doses, such as caffeine.

    Skip products sold with claims that are too good to be true. Supplement makers can’t say their products treat or cure a disease or other health condition, according to the FDA. Also watch out for any supplement that’s purported to be a scientific breakthrough, a miracle cure, or an ancient remedy, as well as any product that has a secret ingredient or whose label has fancy phrases such as “molecule multiplicity,” “insulin receptor sites,” “glucose metabolism,” or “thermogenesis.”

    Don’t rely on “organic,” “natural,” or “whole foods” labeling. Products with “organic” on the label must be grown and produced without certain chemicals, but that doesn’t guarantee the dosage or purity of a supplement’s key ingredients. And the term “natural” has no official FDA meaning. Finally, even if a pill contains real fruits or vegetables, products labeled “whole foods” aren’t substitutes for the real thing.

    Editor’s Note: This article also appeared in the January 2023 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.

    Head shot of CRO author Lisa Gill

    Lisa L. Gill

    Lisa L. Gill is an award-winning investigative reporter. She has been at Consumer Reports since 2008, covering health and food safety—heavy metals in the food supply and foodborne illness—plus healthcare and prescription drug costs, medical debt, and credit scores. Lisa also testified before Congress and the Food and Drug Administration about her work on drug costs and drug safety. She lives in a DIY tiny home, where she gardens during the day and stargazes the Milky Way at night.