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with qualified sales leads

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Local Digital Marketing Agency

Get an EDGE Over the Competition!

Edge Digital is a full-service, results-driven digital marketing agency that helps businesses:

  • Get found online
  • Convert visitors into leads.
  • Increase leads and sales.

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See our brochure for more detailed information about Edge Digital:


Website Development

We Build Websites That W.O.R.K.
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W – Web Design – improve the user experience so visitors stick around
O – Optimize for Search – be seen on page one in search results
R – Conversion Rate Optimization – design for visitors to take an action
K – Key Performance Indicators – tracking and transparency improve results

Websites aren’t just an expense or fancy online sales brochure. Your website needs to work harder than ever before. We have a formula for developing high-converting sites. If your site is underwhelming and underperforming, or just plain old and outdated, let’s talk. You’ll be delighted by our process and the results. We promise.

Average leads per week
Before Launch: 2


Average leads per week:
After Launch: 15


SEO Company

Let’s Put Your Business ON TOP
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Local Boost SEO gives businesses an unparalleled advantage to grow.

An estimated 92.17% of the global internet population uses Google to search.

81% of people search online for a product or service before buying. We make sure your site is one of those.

Results aren’t about more website traffic, it’s more people connecting with your business and ultimately more customers, more patients, more sales.

Industries We Cater To

Gain a Competitive Advantage in Your Industry.
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Contractor Marketing

Own your own leads

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Keep new patients coming through the door

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Engage with clients to increase their lifetime value

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Digital Marketing Case Studies

Anyone can make you promises:
we can give you proof!

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Digital Marketing / Web Design Client - Dr Liz Geriatrics
60% growth in Facebook
followers in 6 months
flemming homes
Part of a coordinated marketing strategy to help sell out all 99 homes in 3 years.
Digital Marketing Client - NeoGenix Stem Cells
123% Increase in Organic Search
123.04% Increase in Goal Conversions

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Palash Desai, Owner – The Organic Maids


“With Edge, not only am I ranking on the first page for 25+ search terms, their changes to my website have dramatically increased the conversion rate.”

See full testimonial

“I have been working with Edge Digital (specifically Eric) for the past year and have been very pleased. In the past 7 years I have gone through 3 other internet marketing firms and have spent thousands of dollars with no real results.

My business is a highly fragmented business so competition is tough. With Edge, not only am I ranking on the first page for 25+ search terms, their changes to my website have dramatically increased the conversion rate.”

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Palash Desai
Owner – The Organic Maids

Nikitas Miles, Director of Operations, NeoGenix


“They told me within 6 weeks we would be on page 1 with most of our relevant reaches and we were. Our GMB is in the top 3 for almost all relevant keyword searches, even ranking #1 on many of them.”

See full testimonial

“When you decide to open your own business, one of the first things that comes to mind is what am I going to do for a website? Initially, I knew what company I was going to use for my marketing campaign and that was about it.

During the first meeting I had with my digital marketer, one of the first things he told me was I am going to set you up with Eric and Kim at Edge Digital to do your website and SEO.

I asked him why he would refer me to them for my website and SEO when his own company did both of those in house? His answer was simple: “they will build you a better website than we can and they are the best I have ever seen in terms of SEO.” As it turns out, he could not have been more right.

I absolutely love our website neogenixstemcells.com. Eric, Kim and Greg all made the process so easy. We had initial meetings to discuss the design and creative content and they finished the site before the timeline we discussed, keeping me in the loop during the entire process.

Once the site was complete, they don’t just send you on your way. We are in constant contact to keep the site fresh with updated content based on the demands of my business.

In terms of SEO, they have kept all of their promises from day 1. The regenerative medicine market is pretty competitive in the Charlotte region. They told me within 6 weeks we would be on page 1 with most of our relevant reaches and we were. Our business has been open for about 6 months now and we are in the top 3-5 for most relevant keyword organic searches. Our GMB is in the top 3 for almost all relevant keyword searches, even ranking #1 on many of them. We can’t wait to be #1 in all searches and I have no doubt in my mind we will be.

Our business started to really take off at the 4-5 month mark (despite COVID-19 hitting during our second month of business) and we owe a lot of that to the behind the scenes work or Edge Digital. The best thing I can tell you about them is they are straight forward honest people. I trust every piece of advice they give me because I truly believe they have the best interest of my business in mind. Edge Digital does amazing work at an extremely reasonable price. They have certainly lived up to the hype.”

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Nikitas Miles, Director of Operations, NeoGenix

“You can settle…
Or you can see what’s possible.”

Fill out the form to schedule a consultation!

Find out why more businesses are turning to Edge Digital for their national and local digital marketing needs!