Why I Think Crypto Can (Actually) Create a Deeper Connection Between Artists and Fans

The phrase “deeper connection with fans” is probably one of the most overused expressions touted on nearly every creator or artist platform. The notion is well-intended, but it’s mostly an empty promise that’s rooted in transactional commerce rather than true connection or intimacy.

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Is there any true connection between fans and artists right now?

Before the mainstream adoption of social media platforms, fans were often kept at an arm’s length from megastars like Michael Jackson and even Beyoncé — encouraging an almost idolized worship that even promoted royal epithets like “King” and “Queen.” Looking at today’s landscape, social media native artists like Harry Styles, Drake and Lady Gaga have embraced the use of these platforms to shift the paradigm. This new generation of artists understands the importance of creating a symbiotic relationship with their fans, tapping into the human desire for bond and connection.

This notion that artists want to be on the same level as their fans is paving the way for a massive shift in the industry. While social media platforms appear to be a great equalizer, in actuality, they are profiting off the interaction, arguably at the expense of the artist. However, as new platforms and technologies emerge, this strained relationship between creator and social media platform is becoming less necessary.

This notion that artists want to be on the same level as their fans is paving the way for a massive shift in the industry. While social media platforms appear to be a great equalizer, in actuality, they are profiting off the interaction, arguably at the expense of the artist. However, as new platforms and technologies emerge, this strained relationship between creator and social media platform is becoming less necessary.

These artists have the opportunity to build entire empires on top of the blockchain, with album releases, music videos, merchandise and more, all powered by their community’s social token. The new creator economy is upon us and I believe it will only deepen the fan-artist connection, ushering in a new era where artists and fans create their economy together.