
AARP Media Relations

AARP doesn’t endorse or give money to political candidates, parties or campaigns. We do not direct candidates, parties or PACs to use our name in ads, fundraising emails or other campaign efforts. Ever. When AARP’s name is misused by a campaign, we ask that they take it down. Our non-partisan status matters to us and to our members, especially in this day and age, and has been verified by numerous independent fact checkers.
Last week, President Biden and former President Obama spoke about the state of health care in the United States a dozen years after the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) passage. It’s easy to forget just how many people lacked coverage before the ACA was enacted: 18.2% of the country, or about 48.2 million non-elderly Americans, had no coverage in 2010 – one in six of whom were 50-64 years old.
New state voting rules and restrictions are making the simple act of casting a ballot more complicated in much of the country. To help confront this challenge, has published guides to voting in this year’s primaries and general elections in every state, plus for Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Our reporters will update these guides (in English and Spanish) through Election Day, as voting rules continue to change and as more redistricting plans take effect.
AARP The Magazine Vice President and Editor in Chief Bob Love released the following statement in response to the passing of Gail Sheehy.
AARP The Magazine Vice President and Editor in Chief Bob Love released the following statement in response to the passing of Gail Sheehy:
Today Earth Day turns 50, and 50th birthdays are big milestones at AARP. But what does Earth Day mean in 2020, when the world is grappling with a massive public health crisis? And how is the news media telling that story?
Family caregivers have now faced nearly four weeks of physical separation from their loved ones in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities in order to protect them from the fast-spreading coronavirus. As each day of this pandemic passes, and families come to grips with new rules about…
Can a smartphone app help drivers age 50 and older stay safe behind the wheel? A new innovative pilot study found evidence that it can.
There’s a new meme lighting up social media called “OK Boomer.” Whether it’s dismissed as an insult or not, underlying that meme are real concerns that younger generations have about serious societal ills, like income inequality. AARP has a strong track record of promoting intergenerational…
AARP is fighting to lower prescription drug prices for all Americans through our Stop Rx Greed campaign. That’s why new statistics on Americans’ use of prescription drugs recently caught our eye.
To kick-off National Family Caregivers and Alzheimer's Awareness Month on November 1, AARP's Family and Caregiving Expert Amy Goyer appeared on NBC's TODAY Show with hosts Hoda Kotb and Maria Shriver to discuss the challenges of caring for someone with dementia. More than 16 million Americans…
Make no fossil bones about it—high prescription drug prices are monstrous but far from extinct. At AARP, we know drug costs shouldn’t be the scariest thing Americans face this Halloween. That’s why AARP let loose our drug-price-fighting Tyrannosaurus Rexes—known as the “Rx T. Rex”—for a national…
It’s well known that prescription drug prices are skyrocketing in America. Price increases for brand name drugs have far exceeded the rate of inflation since at least 2006, according to AARP’s Rx Price Watch report. And the average annual cost for just one brand name drug taken on a chronic basis…