Batman Wiki
Batman Wiki

Tim Drake is a citizen of Gotham City. He is a Batman fan who managed to work out the identities of Batman, NIghtwing and Robin (Jason Todd). He hopes to become the third Robin and joins up with the Titans after helping them fight against Scarecrow during the third season of the show.


Early life[]

Tim Drake was born to Jack and Janet Drake, who run a restaurant in Gotham City called Excellent Gotham Golden Noodle House. At a young age, he witnessed the deaths of Dick Grayson's parents, John and Mary Grayson. As an avid fan of Batman, it led to him being able to figure out Grayson's identity as Robin after noticing him perform a move that only a Flying Grayson could do. He figured out that Batman was Bruce Wayne as Dick Grayson had been taken into his care. He later also discovered that Jason Todd was the second Robin, as he was another adopted child of Bruce Wayne.
