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Rose Wilson, hero name Ravager, is the daughter of Deathstroke, former rival of Cassandra Cain, and has been linked to all the Robins. Rose has been a member of the Teen Titans.


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Rose Wilson.

Slade Wilson (Deathstroke) meets Lillian Worth on a search-and-rescue mission a few years after his divorce from Adeline Kane. His mission is to make sure that she escapes war-torn Cambodia safely. After an intermittent love affair with Wilson, Worth gives birth to a daughter whom she names Rose. Believing it to be in the child's best interest, Worth keeps Rose a secret from Wilson. Worth eventually settles down at a brothel in New York City, and during a time when Deathstroke is injured and a fugitive from the law, Worth takes him in and nurses his wounds. Deathstroke's butler Wintergreen discovers 14-year-old Rose and suspects that she is Deathstroke's daughter.

Deathstroke's half-brother Wade DeFarge, using the name Ravager, later kills Deathstroke's friends and family. DeFarge discovers Rose, captures her, and tells her that Deathstroke is her father. Wintergreen and Worth launch a rescue attempt, but Worth is presumed dead after she drives a jeep off a cliff while trying to run over DeFarge. Wintergreen successfully rescues Rose and escapes.

Rose tries to reach out to her father, but he turns her away. He fears for her safety because he believes himself to be responsible for the deaths of two of his sons. Deathstroke leaves her in the care of the Titans superhero team. During a training exercise, Rose is injured and taken to the hospital, and her precognitive powers emerge for the first time when she has a lengthy vision of Deathstroke's future. She awakens before she can test her powers further. She leaves the Titans shortly after and does not see them again until the Technis Imperative conflict when she allies herself with the Titans to save fellow Titan Cyborg. During this incident she vocally challenges the New God Big Barda, as the Titans and the Justice League had come to blows. Barda seems more amused than concerned over Rose and their potential fight is neutralized by other forces.

New Ravager

The Madison family in Chicago adopt Rose, but DeFarge kills her new family. The Ravager claims to have been offered $100,000 for her death by an anonymous source, but neither of them know that Deathstroke hired DeFarge, in an attempt to bring Rose closer to him.

Deathstroke anonymously alerts the Titans that Rose's life is in danger, and they fight to defend her. All of the fighters are rendered unconscious by an explosion of halothane gas, and Rose awakens in Deathstroke's lair. He apologizes to Rose for abandoning her and says that she is the only family he has left. Deathstroke suggests that she become his apprentice, offering DeFarge as her first kill. Rose accepts and takes the name “Ravager” for herself. Deathstroke secretly injects Rose with the same serum that gave him his abilities, and it causes her to suffer from psychosis.

Deathstroke doubts Rose’s readiness to work with him and plans to disown her after she hesitates and is unable to kill her half brother, Deathstroke’s son Jericho (when he possesses the body of Beast Boy). To prove her loyalty, she gouges out an eye to match his missing eye.

After Rose suffers a defeat at the hands of Batgirl, Deathstroke places her under the care of Nightwing, who leads Slade to believe he has given up being a hero. Nightwing agrees to train Rose, while surreptitiously teaching her the values of heroism. Although Rose develops a crush on Nightwing as the training progresses, the attraction seemed entirely one-sided. In order to test Grayson's loyalty, Deathstroke replaces Rose's missing eye with one carved from Kryptonite and pits her and Nightwing against Superman. Rose attempts to kill Superman, but Nightwing uses Superman's concern for the safety of not only the civilian bystanders, but Rose herself as her final lesson on altruism. Nightwing agrees to stay away from Rose on the condition that Blüdhaven remained off-limits to the latest incarnation of Secret Society of Super Villains, of which Deathstroke is a charter member. Following the bombing of Blüdhaven on Deathstroke's orders in Infinite Crisis, Nightwing returns and informs Rose that the kryptonite Deathstroke had implanted in her eye-socket is not just a danger to Kryptonians, but it is also carcinogenic and is indeed lethal to humans under extended periods of prolonged exposure. Enraged and heartbroken that her father would endanger her life so dismissively, and emboldened by Nightwing's tutelage, Rose breaks all ties with her father and runs away.

One Year Later

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A reformed Rose haunted by her father, as well as her own past sins.

One year after the events depicted in the Infinite Crisis crossover, Rose once again joins the Teen Titans. She wears the same costume and wields two katana-style swords. With Deathstroke and his serum's influence gone, Rose appears more balanced than previously depicted. Tim Drake, the newest leader, admits Rose to the team as a favor to the team founder and ex-leader, her former mentor, Nightwing.

Rose questioned the security of her position on the team, and in an attempt to ensure her continued acceptance and membership on the Teen Titans, she drunkenly attempts to seduce Tim Drake, by waiting for him naked in his bed. Robin not only rejects her, but handcuffs her as well. Responding to an unrelated security alert, Kid Devil enters the room to find a handcuffed Rose pinned to the bed by Tim Drake, exclaiming, "Hot damn!" Rose forms a friendship with Kid Devil, using his flame breath to light her cigarettes. When Kid Devil is injured during a mission, Rose defends him, and on multiple occasions threatens those she deemed a threat to him. She later admits to Kid Devil that she is afraid of being kicked out, should the old members return to the team.

Over the last year, the Teen Titans came to the conclusion that they needed more members. After discovering that Raven believes there was a traitor on the team during the previous year, the team agrees to begin with her. The team travels the world in search of Raven, who is apparently on the run from the traitor. They also meet several other former Titans, such as Red Star, Zachary Zatara, and Bombshell. During a meeting with Bombshell, Rose is accused of being the latest traitor, working for Deathstroke instead. She denies the accusation, supported by not only Kid Devil, but also Wonder Girl, who believes Rose would never go back to her father. Robin and Cyborg agree that Ravager would return to the Tower. Furious, Rose prepares to quit the team altogether until the team's caretakers, Wendy and Marvin, reveal to her that the traitor had stolen one particular object: the computer disk containing Jericho's essence.

Realizing why Raven is truly on the run, Ravager quickly returns to the Titans' aid, just as the traitor is revealed to be Bombshell. Ravager manages to save Raven, just as the empathic Titan uses the same spell which resurrected her, to resurrect Rose's dead and previously insane half-brother Jericho. Upon the resurrection of her elder brother, Joseph and Rose begin fraternizing, unaware that Bombshell's betrayal was orchestrated by Deathstroke, and that their teammates have been subdued by Titans East.

Later, Rose and Joseph fly to New York to have lunch with Nightwing, after which they go to the original Titans Island and discover that someone has built a demented version of the original tower there. Upon entering, they find that their father has kidnapped their teammates, all in order to gain control of them again. Rose and Joey then rescue Robin from Slade and Batgirl, during which Rose finally has her rematch with Cassandra Cain. Rose and Joey both attempt to stop their father, but they are defeated and left at his mercy until Nightwing, Donna Troy, Raven, Cyborg, Duela Dent, Beast Boy, and Bart Allen arrive.

Following the death of her former-teammate, Bart Allen, Rose attends his funeral in Countdown #43 along with the rest of the Teen Titans. In Teen Titans #50, Rose is present for Bart's wake, although she slips off after a while, bored with the somber, reminiscent atmosphere, and invites Kid Devil to join her in skinny-dipping in the Titans' swimming pool.

Titans Tomorrow

In Teen Titans vol. 3 #51, The Titans Tomorrow- a possible future version of the current Titans team- arrive in the present to aid the Teen Titans against Starro-controlled villains. Ravager's future-self is absent from the group and it is revealed that she betrays the team (primarily Bart Allen and Kid Devil) at some point. Kid Devil, his adult version Red Devil, and Rose are then sent to battle against Rampage & Livewire.  Red Devil tries to convince Eddie to let Rose die during the fight, so that she does not manage to betray them in the future. Initially it appears that Eddie intends to do so, before betraying his older self in order to aid Rose. Later, the trio return to the Titan's Lair (home of the original Teen Titans), where they meet with Blue Beetle. There, Red Devil attacks Blue Beetle claiming that he too cannot be trusted.

Eddie, Rose, and Jaime find themselves surrounded by an Army of Titans led by Lex Luthor, before they all battle against an invading army of Starros. Thanks in large part to Blue Beetle's powers and Robin and Wonder Girl managing to supposedly alter Robin's future (and thus alter the future of the Titans as a whole), the Army of Titans is apparently defeated.

Terror Titans

In Teen Titans #57, Rose is attacked by Persuader, Copperhead, and Bolt of the Terror Titans, who had managed to infiltrate Titans Tower. During the battle, they goad Rose about the fate of Kid Devil, whom they had earlier captured. Despite overwhelming numbers, they are unable to take down Rose. Rose ruptures a gas line with her energy swords, blowing up a section of the tower. Rose is revealed to have survived the explosion by crossing the swords, creating a forcefield. She then follows the Terror Titans back to their base, saving Wonder Girl from Disruptor and Persuader. She then battles Clock King, her own precognitive powers matching his. Clock King offers Rose a place on his team, but she refuses. Clock King then ejects the Titans from his base. Back at the tower, Rose overhears Robin and Wonder Girl talking about her almost killing Persuader during battle, and deciding there will be "repercussions". Rose decides to leave the Titans, using one of Clock King's teleportation devices to do it.

In Terror Titans #1, Ravager is seen talking with Clock King, negotiating her role within his group. She agrees to take part in one of The Dark Side Club's arena battles, fighting against Fever. Rose defeats Fever, but when given the order to finish her, refuses, prompting Clock King to have Fever shot in the head. Although appalled by Fever's death, Rose stays, hoping to find out what Clock King's plan is. Continuing to fight in the tournament, Rose faces off against Static, and is almost killed. Rose eventually discover that Clock King intends to use the mind-controlled teen heroes as his own "Martyr Militia" to destroy Los Angeles, entirely for his own amusement. Attempting to get help, Rose is attacked by the Terror Titans, who overwhelm her. Help comes in the form of Miss Martian, who had been posing as one of the brainwashed teens, and had managed to use her telepathy to free them. Ravager follows the retreating villains back to their base, where she confronts Clock King. Despite their equal precognitive abilities, Ravager is able to defeat him, although she was unable to prevent his escape.


Ravager returns during the Teen Titans/Titans/Vigilante crossover Deathtrap, seeking to save Jericho, who had been targeted by Vigilante. However, the unbalanced Jericho refuses her offer of help, continuing in his plot to kill the Titans, forcing Rose to team up with the heroes to stop him. It is also apparent that she has become addicted to the adrenaline given to her by the Clock King.


Following the Deathtrap storyline, Rose briefly tries her hand at being a part of the Titans, but finds that she does not belong with them. After an altercation with Bombshell, staged to ensure her loyalty to the team, Rose leaves to find her own way in life. From Teen Titans #72 onwards, Ravager is featured in a 10-page, 9 part co-feature, Ravager: Fresh Hell.

Blackest Night

In the Teen Titans tie-in to the Blackest Night crossover, Rose tracks Deathstroke down to his old mentor Wintergreen's house and attacks him. During the fight, the two are attacked by their deceased relatives Grant, Wade and Adeline, who, along with Wintergreen, have all been reanimated as Black Lanterns. When Grant attacks Deathstroke, intending to burn him in a fireplace, Rose reluctantly intervenes, saving her hated father. She then attempts to incinerate Wade, but is surprised when Jericho jumps out of his body. Jericho, whose eyes had grown back since Vigilante's attack, uses his powers to make the Black Lanterns destroy themselves. After the battle, Rose refuses to reconcile with Deathstroke, despite acknowledging her daughterly love for him. She also realizes that her mother may still be alive, as she was not among the attacking Black Lanterns.

Return to Teen Titans

Following an adventure in another dimension, Static, Miss Martian, Bombshell, and Aquagirl leave the Titans, and Rose is invited to rejoin the team in order to help build it back up. While staying in the Tower, Rose hacks into the team computer and begins searching for information on her mother. During her time with the group, Rose begins flirting with Superboy, and befriends Damian Wayne, the new Robin. She remains with the team up until the final battle with Superboy-Prime and the Legion of Doom, where she teams with current Speedy, Mia Dearden, to take down Persuader, one of her former teammates on the Terror Titans. She and Damian also help turn the tide of the battle by using a piece of kryptonite to destroy several evil clones of Superboy.

The New 52

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Rose in the New 52

Following the events of Flashpoint, the history of the DC Universe is rewritten in various ways. Rose now has both eyes intact and does not go by the name Ravager, though she still appears to have her martial arts training and trademark swords. She is a teenaged mercenary hired by the shadowy organization N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to act as a handler for Superboy after they kidnap and mindwipe the young hero. Rose has a rivialry with Caitlin Fairchild, a young N.O.W.H.E.R.E. researcher who cares for Superboy. She is one of the wayward heroes rumored to be joining the team of Red Hood and the Outlaws. Scott Lebdell, the writer of both Outlaws and Superboy has stated he has long term plans for Rose that will span across many of his titles, and that she may reclaim the Ravager name and eyepatch.[1]

By the time of Red Hood and the Outlaws #39, Rose is leading a group of mercenaries called the Ravagers, and is revealed to be an ex-girlfriend of Jason Todd.

Death Metal

In the Death Metal universe, Jason and Rose are revealed to be married.


  • In the initial Under the Hood story arc, Rose's father Deathstroke supplied Black Mask with supervillain henchman with to combat Jason Todd. Jason and Slade themselves didn't face off until Deathstroke #16 in 2016 - with the former being enlisted to take down the latter during his search for Rose.
  • Prior to her relationship with Jason Todd, Rose expressed attraction to both Dick Grayson and Tim Drake.
  • Dick Grayson was the one to redeem Rose/free her from her father's machinations prior to Infinite Crisis, and was the one who suggested/vouched for her Titans membership during One Year Later.
  • Though they initially butted heads, Rose and Damian formed a friendship during the latter's tenure on the Titans - with Rose expressing empathy for his upbringing, and difficulty socializing.
  • While formerly having a rivalry with Cassandra Cain, the two have since made amends and fought alongside each other. The two were each drugged and manipulated into villainy by Deathstroke, forming a solidarity between them.
  • Jason and Rose share Roy Harper (Arsenal) and Kid Devil (Eddie Bloomberg) as mutual friends. While Jason and Roy were teammates on the Outlaws, Rose his daughter Lian's nanny/bodyguard prior to her becoming Ravager. While Kid Devil became Rose's best friend on the Titans, the latter and Jason were pen-pals when he was still Robin - and while Eddie was still human.
  • While Rose and Jason were not a couple prior to DC's New 52 relaunch, their flirtatious interaction in Countdown made them a popular ship among fans. With Scott Lobdell initially writing both characters' appearances in The New 52, fans asked for the two to cross paths again - which Ln issue #39 of Red Hood and the Outlaws -with a romantic history between the two explicitly established.
  • Though Jason and Rose's relationship was adapted into the Titans TV series, it strictly took place during Jason's tenure as Robin. Rose was written out of the show for the third season, which portrayed Jason's death, resurrection, and transformation into Red Hood.

Powers and abilities

Injected with the same serum that enhanced her father Deathstroke, Rose has increased reflexes, stamina, and strength, but is also prone to psychotic episodes, such as when she gouged out her own eye to be more like her father. She has received some training from Nightwing, including the virtues of being a hero. She also possesses a precognitive sense that lets her see into the immediate future. This allows her to react to oncoming attacks against her and to counter them accordingly.

She currently wields twin energy katanas that can cut through anything except flesh, and briefly merge into an energy shield.

  • Adrenaline Enhanced Physiology: She carries with her adrenaline shots or pills. These temporarily enhance her physical strength, speed, stamina & agility as well as accelerate her metabolism. This can benefit her by healing minor injuries, however her accelerated metabolism also strains her health.
  • Precognitive Visions: While high on adrenaline her precognitive sense evolves into the ability to glimpse scenes from her immediate future.


Rose Wilson/Gallery
