Sliding Doors of CSS

A note from the editors: While brilliant for its time, this article no longer reflects modern best practices.

A rarely discussed advantage of CSS is the ability to layer background images, allowing them to slide over each other to create certain effects. CSS2’s current state requires a separate HTML element for each background image. In many cases, typical markup for common interface components has already provided several elements for our use.

Article Continues Below

One of those cases is tabbed navigation. It’s time to take back control over the tabs which are continually growing in popularity as a primary means of site navigation. Now that CSS is widely supported, we can crank up the quality and appearance of the tabs on our sites. You’re most likely aware that CSS can be used to tame a plain unordered list. Maybe you’ve even seen lists styled as tabs, looking something like this:

[Ordinary example of CSS-based tabs, using flat colors and squared-off corners.]

What if we could take the exact same markup from the tabs above, and turn them into something like this:

[Stylized tabs using rounded corners and subtle three-dimensional shading.]

With simple styling, we can.

Where’s the Innovation?#section2

Many of the CSS-based tabs I’ve seen suffer from the same generic features: blocky rectangles of color, maybe an outline, a border disappears for the current tab, a color changes for the hover state. Is this all CSS can offer us? A bunch of boxes and flat colors?

Prior to a more widespread adoption of CSS, we started seeing a lot of innovation in navigation design. Creative shapes, masterful color blending, and mimicry of physical interfaces from the real world. But these designs often relied heavily on a complex construction of text-embedded images, or were wrapped with multiple nested tables. Editing text or changing tab order involved a cumbersome process. Text resizing was impossible, or caused significant problems with page layout.

Pure text navigation is much easier to maintain and loads more quickly than text-as-image navigation. Also, even though we can add alt attributes to each image, pure text is even more accessible since it can be resized by users with impaired vision. It’s no wonder that pure text-based navigation, styled with CSS, is leaping back into web design. But most CSS-based tab design so far is a step back in appearance from what we used to do — certainly nothing to be included in a design portfolio. A newly adopted technology (like CSS) should allow us to create something better, without losing the design quality of previous table hacks and all-image-based tabs.

The Sliding Doors Technique#section3

Beautifully crafted, truly flexible interface components which expand and contract with the size of the text can be created if we use two separate background images. One for the left, one for the right. Think of these two images as Sliding Doors that complete one doorway. The doors slide together and overlap more to fill a narrow space, or slide apart and overlap less to fill a wider space, as the diagram below shows:

[Diagram shows two sets of doors. The first set is pushed together to take up less space. The second set is spaced apart to occupy a wider space.]

With this model, one image covers up a portion of the other. Assuming we have something unique on the outside of each image, like the rounded-corner of a tab, we don’t want the image in front to completely obscure the image behind it. To prevent this from happening, we make the image in front (left-side for this example) as narrow as possible. But we keep it just wide enough to reveal that side’s uniqueness. If the outside corners are rounded, we should make the front image only as wide as the curved portion of the image:

[Diagram shows an isolated narrow left-side image with rounded top-left corner, then repeats that same image placed in front of a right-side image with a rounded right-side corner.]

If the object grows any larger than the width shown above, due to differing text or type size changes, the images will get pulled apart, creating an ugly gap. We need to make an arbitrary judgment about the amount of expansion we’ll accommodate. How large do we think the object might grow as text is resized in the browser? Realistically, we should account for the possibility of our tab text increasing by at least 300%. We need to expand the background images to compensate for that growth. For these examples we’ll make the back image (right-side) 400×150 pixels, and the front image 9×150 pixels.

Keep in mind that background images only show in the available “doorway” of the element to which they’re applied (content area + padding). The two images are anchored to the outside corners of their respective elements. The visible portions of these background images fit together inside the doorway to form a tab-like shape:

[Diagram shows both images with extra height added to the bottom. The right-side image also has extra width added to the left. The only portions which remain visible fit together perfectly to form the illustion of a tab-like shape.]

If the tab is forced to a larger size, the images slide apart, filling a wider doorway, revealing more of each image:

[Diagram shows the two images pulled apart slightly to create a wider tab, as well as a slightly taller vertical height to reveal more of each image. Since both background images have allowances for expansion, the the illusion is that the tab itself expanded naturally with the text contained inside.]

For this example, I used Photoshop to create two smooth, slightly three-dimensional, custom tab images shown at the beginning of this article. For one of the tabs, the fill was lightened and the border darkened — the lighter version will be used to represent the “current” tab. Given this technique’s model for left and right tab images, we need to expand coverage area of the tab image, and cut it into two pieces:

[Left- and right-side images]

The same thing needs to happen with the lighter current tab image. Once we have all four images created (1, 2, 3, 4) we can jump into the markup and CSS for our tabs.

Tab Creation#section4

As you explore the creation of horizontal lists with CSS, you’ll notice at least two methods for arranging a group of items into one row. Each comes with its own benefits and drawbacks. Both require dealing with rather funky aspects of CSS which quickly become confusing. One uses the inline box, the other uses floats.

The First Method — and possibly the more common — is to change the display of each list item to “inline”. The inline method is attractive for its simplicity. However, the inline method causes a few rendering problems in certain browsers for the Sliding Doors technique we’re going to discuss. The Second Method, which is the one we’ll focus on, uses floats to place each list item in a horizontal row. Floats can be equally frustrating. Their seemingly inconsistent behavior circumvents all natural logic. Still, a basic understanding of how to deal with multiple floated elements, and the means to reliably “break out” of floats (or contain them) can achieve wonders.

We’re going to nest several floated elements within another containing floated element. We do this so that the outer parent float completely wraps around the floats inside. This way, we’re able to add a background color and/or image behind our tabs. It’s important to remember that the next element following our tabs needs to reset its own position by using the CSS clear property. This prevents the floated tabs from affecting the position of other page elements.

Let’s begin with the following markup:

<div id="header">
    <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li id="current"><a href="#">News</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Products</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

In reality, the #header div might also contain a logo and a search box. For our example, we’ll shorten the href value in each anchor. Obviously, these values would normally contain file or directory locations.

We begin styling our list by floating the #header container. This helps ensure the container actually “contains” the list items inside which will also be floated. Since the element is floated, we also need to assign it a width of 100%. A temporary yellow background is added to ensure this parent stretches to fill the entire area behind the tabs. We also set some default text properties, ensuring everything inside will be the same:

#header {

For now, we also set all of the default margin/padding values of the unordered list and list items to “0”, and remove the list item marker. Each list item gets floated to the left:

#header ul {
#header li {

We set the anchors to block-level elements so we can control all aspects without worrying about the inline box:

#header a {

Next, we add our right-side background image to the list item (changes/additions are bolded):

#header li {
      no-repeat right top;

Before adding the left-side image, we pause so we can see what we have so far in Example 1. (In the example file, ignore the rule I’ve applied to the body. It only sets up basic values for margin, padding, colors, and text.)

– – –

Now we can place the left-side image in front of the right by applying it to the anchor (our inner element). We add padding at the same time, expanding the tab and pushing the text away from the tab edges:

#header a {
    no-repeat left top;
    padding:5px 15px;

This gives us Example 2. Note how our tabs have begun to take shape. At this point, a word of acknowledgement to confused IE5/Mac users, who are wondering, “What’s going on here? The tabs are stacked vertically and stretch across the entire screen.” Don’t worry, we’ll get to you soon. For now, do your best to follow along, or temporarily switch to another browser if one is handy, and be assured we’ll fix the IE5/Mac issue shortly.

– – –

Now that we have the background images in place for normal tabs, we need to change the images used for the “current” tab. We do this by targeting the list item which contains id=“current” and the anchor inside it. Since we don’t need to alter any other aspects of the background, other than the image, we use the background-image property:

#header #current {
#header #current a {

We need some kind of border along the bottom of our tabs. But applying a border property to the parent #header container won’t allow us to “bleed” the current tab through this border. Instead, we create a new image with the border we want included along the bottom of the image. While we’re at it, we also add a subtle gradient so it looks like this:

We apply that image to the background of our #header container (instead of the yellow color we had), push the background image to the bottom of the element, and use a background color matching the top of this new image. At the same time, we remove the padding from the body element I originally inserted for us, and apply 10 pixels of padding to the top, left, and right sides of the ul:

#header {
    background:#DAE0D2 url("bg.gif")
      repeat-x bottom;
#header ul {
    padding:10px 10px 0;

To complete the tab effect, we need to bleed the current tab through the border, as mentioned above. You might think we would apply bottom borders to our tabs matching the border color in the #header background image we just added, then change the border color to white for the current tab. However, doing this would result in a tiny “step” visible to pixel-precision eyes. Instead, if we alter the padding of the anchors, we can create perfectly squared-off corners inside the current tab, as the magnified example below shows:

[Enlargement of two tab versions, the first showing the tiny 1-pixel step from using the bottom border, the second showing a perfect 90-degree angle.]

We do this by decreasing the bottom padding of the normal anchor by 1 pixel (5px – 1px = 4px), then adding that pixel back to the current anchor:

#header a {
      no-repeat left top;
    padding:5px 15px 4px;
#header #current a {

The change allows the bottom border to show through for normal tabs, but hides it for the current tab. This brings our code up to Example 3.

Finishing Touches#section5

Keen eyes may have noticed white tab corners showing up in the previous example. These opaque corners are currently preventing the image in the back from showing through the left corner of the image in front. In theory, we could attempt to match the corners of the tab images with a portion of the background behind them. But our tabs can grow in height, which pushes the background behind them lower, shifting the background color we tried to match. Instead, we change the images, making the corners of our tabs transparent. If the curves are anti-aliased, we matte the edges to an average of the background color behind them.

Now that the corners are transparent, a piece of the right-side image shows through the corner of the left-side image. To compensate for this, we add a small amount of left padding to the list item equivalent to the width of the left-side image (9px). Since padding was added to the list item, we need to remove that same amount from the anchor to keep the text centered (15px – 9px = 6px):

#header li {
      no-repeat right top;
    padding:0 0 0 9px;
#header a {
      no-repeat left top;
    padding:5px 15px 4px 6px;

However, we can’t leave it at that either, because our left-side image now gets pushed away from the left tab edge by the 9 pixels of padding we just added. Now that the inner edges of the left and right visible doorways butt up against each other, we no longer need to keep the left image in the front. So we can switch the order of the two background images, applying them to opposite elements. We also need to swap the images used for the current tab:

#header li {
      no-repeat left top;
    padding:0 0 0 9px;
#header a, #header strong, #header span {
      no-repeat right top;
    padding:5px 15px 4px 6px;
#header #current {
#header #current a {

Once we do this, we arrive at Example 4. Note that the tweaks required to make the corners transparent creates a small dead space on the left side of the tab where it’s not clickable. The dead space is outside the text area, but it is slightly noticeable. Using transparent images for each side of our tabs is not required. If we prefer not to have the small dead space, we need to use a flat color behind the tabs, then use this color in the corner of our tab images instead of making them transparent. We’ll keep the new transparent corners for now.

– – –

For the remaining tweaks, we make a slew of changes all at once: bold all tab text, change normal tab text to a brown color, make current tab text a dark gray color, remove link underlines, and change the text color for the link hover state to the same dark gray. We see all additions and changes so far represented in Example 5.

One Hack for Consistency#section6

After Example 2, we acknowledged a problem with IE5/Mac where each tab stretched across the entire browser width, forcing each one to stack vertically on top of each other. Not quite the effect we were intending.

In most browsers, floating an element will act sort of like shrink-wrapping it — it gets shrunk to the smallest possible size of the contents it contains. If a floated element contains (or is) an image, the float will shrink to the width of the image. If it contains only text, the float will shrink to the width of the longest non-wrapping line of text.

A problem enters the picture for IE5/Mac when an auto-width block-level element is inserted into a floated element. Other browsers still shrink the float as small as possible, regardless of the block-level element it contains. But IE5/Mac doesn’t shrink the float in this circumstance. Instead, it expands the float and block-level element to full available width. To work around this problem, we need to float the anchor also, but only for IE5/Mac, lest we throw off other browsers. First we’ll set the existing rule to float the anchor. Then we’ll use the Commented Backslash Hack to hide a new rule from IE5/Mac which removes the float for all other browsers:

#header a {
      no-repeat right top;
    padding:5px 15px 4px 6px;
  /* Commented Backslash Hack
     hides rule from IE5-Mac */
  #header a {float:none;}
  /* End IE5-Mac hack */

IE5/Mac browsers should now display the tabs as intended, according to Example 6. Nothing should have changed for non-IE5/Mac browsers. Note that IE5.0/Mac suffers from a lot of rendering bugs that were fixed in the upgrade to IE5.1. Because of this, the Sliding Doors technique suffers in version 5.0 beyond a point I’m willing to hack. Since the upgrade to IE5.1/Mac has been readily available for some time now, the percentage of OS 9 Macs still running IE5.0 should be tapering off to almost nothing.


We just walked through the Sliding Doors technique for creating tabbed navigation with pure text, marked up with an unordered list of links, altered with a few custom styles. It loads fast, is simple to maintain, and text within can be scaled up or down significantly in size without breaking the design. Need we mention how flexible the technique can be for creating any type of sophisticated-looking navigation?

Use of this technique is only limited by our imagination. Our final example represents just one possibility. But we shouldn’t let an example place boundaries on our ideas.

For instance, tabs aren’t required to be symmetrical. I quickly created Version 2 of these tabs, which avoids the shaded 3-D look in favor of flat colors, angular edges, and a wider and more detailed left-side. We can even switch the order of left/right images, depending on the design, as Version 2 shows. With some careful planning and clever image manipulation, the bottom border could be abandoned in favor of matching the tab images with the background running behind them, as shown in my Deco-inspired Version 3. If your browser supports alternate style sheet switching, you can even view this master file, and switch between the three different versions by alternating between style sheets.

Other effects we don’t cover here could be added on top of this technique. In the example I ran through, I changed the text color for the hover state, but entire images could be swapped out to create interesting rollover effects. Wherever two nested HTML elements already exist in the markup, CSS can be used to layer background images for effects we haven’t even begun to imagine yet. We created a horizontal row of tabs in this example, but Sliding Doors could be used in a many other situations. What can you do with it?

About the Author

Douglas Bowman

Founder and principal of Stopdesign, Douglas Bowman specializes in simple, clean, forward-thinking design. He constantly challenges and pushes the limits of what’s possible using web standards. Douglas was the grand architect behind the well-known redesign of Wired.

137 Reader Comments

  1. I have read the number of great responses to this article, but for some reason I am not having the same luck. for some reason the CCS code below does not render so that the current tab is diplayed with both rounded edges.
    #header #current {
    #header #current a {

    If I change it so that the CSS is:
    #header #current {
    background:url(‘images/norm_right_on.gif’) no-repeat right top;
    #header #current a {
    background:url(‘images/norm_left_on.gif’) no-repeat left top;
    the right side is rounded but not the left. Anything to help out!

  2. > Clicking the whole tab… | martin:

    > It would be fine to click the whole tab not
    > just the text link.

    2nd that.

    Unfortunately, there still seems to be this strong trend among Web Standards Evangelists and Devs to ignore popular browsers — to focus their efforts on browsers with cooler names and OSes like Zeldzilla, Macintush, Firequeror, Funix, Surfari, Limex, etc. Browsers with old-school, pedestrian names like Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator (sheesh, how could they come up with anything more lame than those???) are pretty much ignored when they’re running on something as sad as Windows 2000 (three years out of date, to be sure!) or XP (NT clone? outta here! 😛 ).

    Screen readers are cool though. Just ask your 95% lame-o user base that’s still doggedly using IE5/6 for Win to go poke their eyes out and learn Braille. That’s the way to do it. Chix fer free! You might even get on MTV…

  3. Thank you so much Mr. Bowman (and ALA) for shedding some light onto an issue that I have worked on (without much success) for some years now. I have always loved the power of CSS and its’ ability to separate design from content, but there were definitely some roadblocks when using it to try something of this nature.

    Thank you again for sharing your discovery. I was so proud of myself when I discovered how to use CSS to display a list inline. Now, I am truly humbled… 🙂

    p.s. It is good to see you back in action ALA! I have sorely missed you all this time.

  4. I tried using these tabs with (my first!) dw mx database driven site: the tab texts and page contents are all pulled from a flat database. Looks great, works too. (got php to drive the span tag too.)

    Now trying second level menu: this is where the ‘tab’ metaphor really breaks down of course.

    So for the second level menu: how to get the top level menu to stay in the selected state? A little database-puzzle.

  5. The unclickable part on the left of the tab can become clickable an alternate way.
    Leave everything the way it was just before the “Finishing Touches” section.

    Now add a “margin-right: 3px;” to the “#header li” style and a counter “margin-left: -3px;” to the “#header a” style.


    #header li {
    float: left;
    background: url(“right.gif”) no-repeat top right;
    margin-right: 3px;
    padding: 0;

    #header a {
    display: block;
    background: url(“left.gif”) no-repeat top left;
    padding: 5px 15px 4px;
    margin-left: -3px;

    Unfortunately works only in Opera (at least v7).
    Don’t know if it works with IE/Mac

  6. See Sliding Doors of CSS II, published 30 October in Issue 161, for IE-oriented workarounds, rollovers, and more:

    These Sliding Doors extensions, exceptions, and workarounds were omitted from the initial article to keep the focus on the concept and execution of this new CSS design method. The initial article was complex enough! Additional complexities, we felt, belonged in a follow-up article, and we are happy to now publish that follow-up.

  7. Call me an idiot, but I can’t seem to get the “right.gif” image. I suppose I could make my own, but was trying to get your example to work first, before I tried anything else. Can you send or provide a location?

  8. Last night I was lying in bed thinking, “I wish CSS gave me a way to put one image in the upper right corner of a link and a different one in the upper left corner…”

    Today I discover that it does! Thanks for a brilliant demo.

  9. I get the flickering behavior on IE6 on win2k regardless of my browsers cache setting (ie “Check for new version of page” on Auto).

    In fact, that setting doesn’t seem to have any effect at all on this computer (e.g. there seems to be no cache-ing). It seems like rollovers, etc always reload when moused over, etc. This results in slightly less responsive rollovers and is annoying.

    Anyone else notice this lack of cacheing on IE6 on win2k?

  10. Great technique, but I have experienced some problems positioning the tabs. When using absolute positioning, this can work in Mozilla/IE , but Opera 6(win) has problems. Relative positioning works in Opera, but this dies a sad death in IE.

    If anyone has perfected positioning the 2 floats , I would be very grateful for a few pointers!!

  11. For some reason, when I open my page in netscape, it doesn’t break between the final and the procedding code.

    That tabs are there and working fine, but then my stuff is to the right of them, as opposed to under them.

  12. I am having a problem with a site,, which seems to be caused by the same thing as the IE/Mac CSS rendering problem.

    I don’t have a Mac to test on, but a Mac sent me a screenshot… there’s a huge gap where the content div should be, and you have to scroll all the way to the right to see the content.

    Is there a Mac user who wants to take a look at the site’s CSS and suggest what might be causing this?

  13. For those of you looking for more positioning control (i.e. centering your tabs, etc), don’t forget that this technique can be easily adapted to a table-based layout. Simply style the

    tag instead of the

  14. .

    I know it’s not perfect, but if your business/design requirements make a CSS-based layout impractical, it’s a nice compromise.

  15. I implemented tabs similar to these, but the background images kept flickering in IE6. After much head-scratching, I copied your example verbatim up to my web server, and the problem still occured. It turns out that IE6 won’t cache images when the web server sends them gzipped (which Apache often does). Since your sliding doors are hosted on IIS which doesn’t use gzip content-encoding, there is no problem for you.

  16. In my previous post I mentioned the IE6 content-type:gzip bug. If you’re on a Linux/Apache system that uses mod_gzip, you’ll need to disable it to avoid constant image reloads in IE6. My host is, and I created this .htaccess file at my public_html root:

    mod_gzip_on no

    Which did the trick.

  17. Hi,
    The article is wonderful and I implemented this in my current project. One of my screens has lot of tabs and they wrap around to the next line. I am using this inside one of the frames. The frame doesn’t have the scrolling=”no” , so how to make the tabs without wrapping to the next line.

    thanks in advance,

  18. Excellent article, and it gave me an idea.

    What if you have one DIV container that is transparent (DIV1), and inside that DIV is another DIV (DIV2) that is colored, and has the link text in it. DIV2 is centered horizontally and vertically in DIV1.

    Now, use your sliding doors technique, but instead of a regular graphic, you create a graphic that has the rounded-edge look that fades to transparency. The region between the inside edge of DIV2 and the outside edge of DIV1 would be filled with the graphic, which would fade to transparency at the junction between DIV1 and DIV2.

    What does this accomplish? Well, you have the rounded ‘graphic’ look, but you can change the color of DIV2. Hence, you can use CSS to change the color of the ‘button’ (DIV2) at will, and since DIV1 is transparent, you won’t see the little corners of color at the outside corners of DIV1, where the graphic is transparent.

  19. This is really awesome! Didn’t know this was all possible with ‘simple’ CSS.
    You really showed me the power of CSS. I’m convinced more than ever about the capabilities of CSS.

    Thanks for this great example!



  20. Yesterday, I reported Japanese character wrapping within a tab.
    After that I noticed that the same symptom happens for alphabetic words.
    For verification, I changed tab wording from single word to two words, such as New York, New Jersy, and so on.
    If you make browser’s width narrower ‘New’ and ‘York’ are formatted in two lines.

    I prefer to have a fix for this issue.

  21. This was a wonderful article and I love the technique used here. It has made my work so much easier. I have tried using the same technique with a vertical menu but without much success. Has anyone out there accomplished this?

  22. Please excuse my total ignorance.

    I’m redesigning an old table-based page with a lot of tabs along the top (ie “news | gallery | store | contact” etc). Since this navbar is a repeating element that gets reused in plenty of pages, what’s the best strategy for structuring the site? My current options seem to be:

    1) paste in the tab markup by hand into each page

    2) use a SSI to reference a “nav.shtml” file
    (pro: if i use this method I can script nav.shtml so the current page’s tab is highlighted or “greyed out”
    con: the scripted “nav.shtml” is pretty hefty)

    3) use the tag to reference “nav.html”
    (do other designers use this tag a lot?)

    I just want to have tabs that I can easily update 6 months from now without editing a million html pages.

  23. Hi,
    great css…I had one problem though..I couldn’t get the little white corners to disappear….: ( I followed along everything was going great..I added the css to my file remove them….but they remained ….I use IE 6 I dunno if that matters ….other than that it worked Great …Im sure it’s probably something I’ve overlooked….but I tried 3 times & I’m stumped…any help would be great…Thanks

  24. Thank you Doug for sharing this great idea with us. These tabs are fantastic and so useful!

    One minor note: Netscape 6 on the Mac has a problem with the #header containing div collapsing rather than containing the floats. The result is the background image does not appear behind the floated links. I think it may be because unlike most browsers, NN6mac doesn’t follow the CSS 2.1 specs on expanding to contain child floats. (It still follows the older CSS2.0 specs). And so, the only solution I could think of would be to put a clearing div in the html as the last element in the #header div. This of course adds clutter to the html code and is therefore probably not worth it, given the few percentage of people using Netscape 6 on the Mac.

    Has anyone else noticed this too?

    I noticed this issue in Netscape 6.2.3 on a Mac running OS9.

    Nice work Doug!

  25. This is really a cool feature and I was about to use it on the redesign of our new corporate site until I tested it in NS 4.7. Unfortunately our web stats show people still hitting our site with this dinosaur so we have to build for it. It’s completely broken, totally unusable in NS. Bummer 🙁

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