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Presented by Free Press

Demand a Debate on FISA

Your senators are about to head home for the holidays.

But before they do, they might vote to extend a Bush-era online spying law — without any debate.

The law — the FISA Amendments Act — allows companies like AT&T and Verizon to give federal agencies access to our phone calls, emails and other online activity without a warrant. It's set to expire at the end of the year, and the House already voted — without debate — to reauthorize it.

A bipartisan group of senators is trying to stop the Senate from doing the same. These senators have some great ideas about ways to amend the bill and protect our privacy — but these ideas will go nowhere unless the Senate leadership allows a formal debate.

Time is running out. Call your senators and tell them: Slow down the vote. Demand debate on FISA.